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Everything posted by DiemetriX

  1. This is quickly becoming my most anticipated game this year. And I think the story setup is amazing. From what I'w gathered the game does indeed have a great narrative story. But unlike most games you experience it through many different characters ( if you die). So this is an example on how it could work. The "survivors" ultimate goal is to escape the city, but there's no way out. You get contacted by a guy on the radio that tells you to escape you need to get to the hellipad on the top of the tallest building. But that's on the other side of the city, and there's no power. With your first survivor you just gather resources so that the next guy has a better start. The next guy then will be able to fight his way to the power station to turn on the power. When he dies you won't ever need to go back. The next survivor can now take the train since the power's on and will reach the building without ever having to experience the same things as the previous survivors. And the story keep progressing and pushing you in new directions as the other survivors keep completing goals that move the story forward. I think this is one of the most interesting story elements I have seen in a while and without a doubt a must buy for me. It's also confirmed that after completing the game you unlock a mode where you only have one life to complete the entire game. sounds rad.
  2. Iam Drunk and on the buss home, And then it hit me... What happened to the utterly amazing thread where we could just talk about our day? Wasn't it loocked? I loved that thread.
  3. I'm guessing they will give out a pack with all 3 games and new artwork ^^
  4. skimmed trough the thread. didn't see it ^^ But I'm glad they are doing this.
  5. According to my "sources" EA will focus on a Female Sheppard as-well as a male Shepard. She will get her own trailer. Post images of your "femShep" [stolen image, but she looks like a good femshep]
  6. Try becoming the best you can be. If you don't like yourself it's harder for others to like you. I don't mean you should change who you are, just become the best you possible. It does take work, and it does take time, but it's truly a game changer.
  7. Sweet I can digg the ReZdeliciousness ;D
  8. Remember this forum Meme? Post your own version of Jordan's face... good times.
  9. haha. You guys crack me up. I won't be reclaiming the party boy crown ^^ I'm trying to be a "reasonable" adult now :P
  10. I don't play splitscreen, so one game for each TV ;D ( I buy two of good co-op games )
  11. The demo was ok, but the game was Amazing __ I bought a six pack of beer
  12. I bought a 42" LED tv.... Just kidding...
  13. ^^ Been busy living the good life I just bought my first apartment, and I'm running a Games store in Norway. N-Europe is still my fav forum but I don't spent that much time on a PC these days. Well in Norway they don't have any Passive 3D displays. Been asking around at the stores, but the TV's are still a couple of months away.
  14. I read on another forum that with the current PS3 firmware update it only works with Active 3D? That might be wrong though. Passive is so new that I can't find any good info when I google it.
  15. Hi. I'm on the verge on ordering this TV, VIZIO's 32-inch E3D320VX. Active 3D is expensive and having read about Passive 3D it's a good alternative. It cost under $500 and comes with 3D glasses. But Will this work with PS3 3D games? I Know it will work with the Xbox 360 stereoscopic 3D games. On their webpage they don't mention 3D gaming at all.
  16. I just remember that this game has a ton of Co-op Challenges! They where amazing! And not only that, the single player had a shooting range which was also a great feature. I can't understand why people say GE is better. There is just so much more content it this game. And everything better. I remember how much I laughed the first time I shoot a gun out of an enemies hand and he started calling me a bitch ^^ Good times.
  17. That is without a doubt one of my favourite maps. I believe it's called G5.
  18. Completed the game on hard just now, and WOW what a Ride! Not sure if i still give it a 9/10 though, cause it was better than that :P
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