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Everything posted by Daft

  1. Glad I missed it! Thats cruel! Can u post a pic?
  2. Good point! At least it held my intreset, cos I have to admit the triforce quest in WW made me give up out of shear boredom!
  3. Basically the same as me. Used potions in Snow dungeon cos I couldn't be arsed to look for hearts. I didn't die once. A bigger problem was that the dungeons were too easy. I loved the Water temple boss!
  4. I'm sorry for you loss...
  5. I felt Majora's Mask had an excellent ending that summed up the game...which is my favourite...of all time!
  6. Oh...My bad!!! That looks awesome!!!
  7. What really gets me about Zelda, and I think is quite funny, is that if one of those little puzzles in the dungeons didn't work you would be completly f$*ked and the world would be doomed... Yea! Edit the spoiler!!!
  8. I didn't realise you could use the A button till near the end!:p
  9. I agree completely (appart from when the nunchuck takes about 5 seconds to register my intentions of doing a spin attack:mad: !) I also love the sound for the remote makes EXCEPT
  10. Its me, myself and I, as far as I am concerned! But I like to mix and match!
  11. Yea but if you look at the pics on IGN it looks like they got rid of loads of stuff aswell!
  12. DAMN GOOD POINTS!!! I can't believe they would delay this game a year and then take loadsof stuff out! except castle town look remodelled! And if you look at http://media.cube.ign.com/media/572/572738/img_2649981.html I think this is what the lost woods was really gonna look like...more like a huge real wood...shame... Actually if you look at all the old pictures of Zelda TP on IGN...it looks like a different Zelda...Maybe they moved whole sections to Zelda Wii?
  13. DAMN! Those things look awesome! Sadly I couldn't find my Yodeling Goat...must of disposed of it!
  14. I love that 'square of white material'
  15. Cool, didn't know that! I liked the Hulk cos he basically does what I want to do when I get angry...without the killing people!
  16. I felt the game really lacked the interaction with the people, especially in the light of Majora's Mask. In the end hardly anyone in Castle Town knew who I was and what I did! I loved the final boss battle, the ending was alright and I like the
  17. I think awesome is way to strong a word...but hey whatever floats your boat!:p I don't understand why they make a sequal to to this and not The Hulk, which I saw on TV recently and actually thought it was a fialy solid film, cos Eric Bana rocks?
  18. I know, they should put a warning for people with pacemakers and weak dispositions! Hmmm:hmm: ...what flavour? How did you react to that?:p
  19. That sounded like a crow...dying... At least its short and sweet! and it looks like a clown/giraff/cow (more cow though!) I...actually...quite...like....i-i-i-it...
  20. Awesome can't wait!
  21. That sounds cool! Got a pic?
  22. Practical! Thats what I like to hear! Maybe I should change the topic title to Lame Soft toys that make wierd noises... I think I disposed of the offening item! Ill look for it tomorrow and if I find it I will ill post the violently abrasive sound clip!: peace: But I think I gave it to a charity shop! HOLY MOLY! I just found it on ebay!!! (http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/GARETH-GOATS-SOFT-TOY-SINGS-LONELY-GOAT-SONG_W0QQitemZ300062517671QQcategoryZ230QQrdZ1QQssPageNameZWINQ3aPOST0Q3aRECOQ3aBIDQQcmdZViewItem)
  23. Ghostrider looks about as appealing as a bout of explosive diarrhea:heh: EDIT: HELLO Eva Mendes!!!
  24. Excellent choices! Hmmm...I would add Secrets and Lies wich is an awesome British film directed by Mike Leigh...Its just absolutly brilliant! NE1 else seen it?
  25. Its a soft toy, just under a foot tall, and you press it's foot/hoof and the thing starts playing a whistling the yodeling song from The Sound of Music. As if that wasn't bad enough after about 1 minute (literally) its mouth starts moving and it rocks from side to side and starts singing the words...this went on for about 2 minutes...it seemed like an eternity!!!
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