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Status Replies posted by Julius

  1. Happy birthday! Have a good one. 

    1. Julius


      Thank you! Hope you have a lovely Christmas :peace:

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  2. Oh right, I'm reminded of a video I saw years ago looking at The Explorers games and some of their excellent usage of leitmotifs. Thought you might want to watch it, in case you already haven't.

    I'd post it in the Music thread, but spoilers for the Explorers game abound here.

    1. Julius


      Thanks for sharing @Glen-i! Yeah I think I watched this one when it came out - love a bit of 8-Bit Music Theory! - but appreciate you sharing it all the same :peace:

      Absolute S-tier soundtrack. Really need to replay Explorers again at some point...can they just hurry up and give me the remake already?! :D

  3. Did you edit the date back into the Pokémon Legends thread title or am I going mad?

    1. Julius


      Uhhhhhhh you're going mad :p 



      All the other threads I've made have (/had?) dates, which was making me think I was the one going mad! 


    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  4. Happy birthday!

    1. Julius


      Thanks! Hope you had a lovely Christmas :smile:

  5. I've been meaning to ask. And considering you're active here, I think I already know the answer, but still.

    You OK after your COVID positive?

    1. Julius


      Still on the mend, but doing much better now thanks :peace: 

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