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Posts posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. Did anyone watch this pile of shit last night?


    The Tv guide listed it as Halle Berry stars as blah blah blah, but she hardly did anything [apart from abusing her fat kid or crying alot], nor was seen for most of the film. It should say it stars Billy Bob Thornton [Who was one of my main reasons for watching]. I tried watching it but honest to god got bored after about an hour.


    Did anyone think that fat kid was blind to begin with? I first saw him when he was visiting his P daddy and basically did fuck all, a trend which was carried by everyone else in the film.

  2. Does it load the BIOS? I formatted mine through that last time...

    I am not sure.

    Use Safe modus, that's one of the things you can do, save your work, put that disc in the cd drive, and reformat you hdd,and install XP on it..

    That is different to Safe mode I assume? I forgot to mention about safe mode, when I reset it because of it's abundance of doing fuck all it igives that choice of what to do(Safe mode + command prompt etc).


    Running it in safe mode brings up the black screen except it says safe mode in each corner and something at the top.

  3. My PC was working fine today, then tonight I switch it on. It gets past the Windows XP screen then it gives a blank screen. The cursor appears, and I can fuck about with it.




    So I think "Hmmm..." and decide to use that XP disc I bought, nothing. I restart, nothing. How are you meant to access this thing when your computer is on the fritz?

  4. I have a few questions which I haven't looked through the topic so don't know if they've been asked already.


    Is there, or will there be a darker skin for those who don't want to damage our eyes?


    And if possible, could the menu on the homepage be brought up a bit, scrolling down to click forum is most troublesome.

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