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Posts posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. How come Lance didn't like meeting Connor?


    I agree with Sarah putting on weight, I only remembered when they showed Susan and Karl looking fidgety.


    Fucking fantastic edition, lovely way to show all the old gringos.


    A pleasure to see Hannah again, still in love with her :(


    How many of those ex Aussie gringos are in London? The place must be full of them.

  2. I agree there, I loved Beyond Good and Evil to death, I was just getting into it and then...it ended, no side-quests, no real incentive for a second playthough, I wasn't satisfyed at all.


    I disagree, but I took my sweet time over around a month completing it. The Pearls in the Domz factories hidden around the pedestrian district were semi side, as well as the camera angle. I'm considering playing it again so I can catch them all.

  3. Have you ever remixed your own address for any reason. Mainly for me I refer to the Company Field when ordering froma website, So packages arrive for Shabba Inc. Shabba Technologies, etc.


    I also remember changing Atif's name when I sent him a burned CD. I believe the name was Sir Atif Shabbadan [Was it?] With a few lovely things dotted around the envelope with the return address to a Baron Donald Shabba.






    [15 characters blow. Viva La Revolucion!]

  4. I've always mentioned this being a steaming pile of shit when it was 10 characters, then they decided to force our mouths open and shit in them, making it 15 characters. I don't consider any of my posts spam, which you can tell even the short ones aren't as they have [15 characters blow me] underneath. Sometimes that even enough, which I don't understand. Are they trying to bump it up more?

  5. Grammar kind of bugs me. I had to leave my supergroup on City of Heroes because the name was "Eye's of Ra", I mean cmon, if you're not sure about apostrophes, at least leave them out.


    Am I the only one who sees a little problem with that? ;)

  6. Awww, I'm sorry poor Eevil. Your future Neighbours experiences will forever be ruined because I gave that little insignificant detail away, a detail that you believe to be a "spoiler." Why don't you unleash your anger on me, and curse me all night long... I'm sure you will feel much better...




    [15 character shit blah blah]



    [Apparently even the bracket above wasn't enough]

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