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Posts posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. For me it's his avatar that does it. I want to punch the guy so badly in the teeth.

    I agree, don't see why everyone is pissing their pants in anger at the thread. I quite like the link.


    Marvel at the Ultimate Spiderman's review has been ghetto'd


    Ultimate Spider-Man follers th' initial tale of a yo'ng Peter Parker an' his destined helter-skelter in wif thet troublesome spider who bestowed upon him all them ultra sweet powers yo' jump aroun' yo' bedroom wishin' yo' had, cuss it all t' tarnation. This hyar is explained briefly in th' intry via tradishunal comic book fashion an' then leads th' player fluently into th' game wifout boggin' them down wif too much sto'yline. This hyar leaves th' gamer jest cornfident inough wif th' smarts of whut they hafta does an' whuffo' they hafta does it.

  2. It could be a bit strange seeing the face of someone you know is dead attatched to someone who happens to be out doing a bit of shopping.


    They should remix the faces. Half from one dude, half from another. Problem solved. Then use the two halves left over for the next lucky chap.

  3. you lie again mr Hawk.


    i saw with my Eagle eye cherry that you posted: and i quote "beaten by 2 minutes"


    i saw this and thought darn so i deleted mine so ner.


    I'll ban you Nazi propaganda style if you keep floating of topic like this Mr shabba.


    No no, you lie once more. After you deleted mine I edited the 2 minutes post with "And you fucking deleted it!" Ready to start my smear campaign.


    And for my on topic footnote [To qualm your anti-jew propaganda]. I wouldn't mind seeing that little lad beaten, just to see him cry.

  4. Lies!


    i deleted mine first biartch and yours by teh accident, hence the arse of kiss on messenger.

    Arseburgers! I posted that you deleted my thread in your thread before you deleted it, so blow on that bitch! :hehe:


    I'm watching you. Hawk style.

  5. I don't know if it was the fault of the contestant they had playing (he seemed a bit strange) but the show didn't impress all that much.


    (And do you two keep creating and deleting threads between you? As this is the third attempt at me posting this).


    That contestant which lost dug himself a right hole at the end: "Oh he kept getting normal words, no really special words but just normal ones" I cringed as he was waffling on for a good ten seconds. Then Des chimes in with some Tache Ownage "Why didn't you get them then?". Shabba'ised.


    And the reason for the deletage was that I created this [originally] thread at 4:18. Then Platty came in with th 4:20 remix. I replied in his topic bragging about my two minutes. Later to find he deleted my topic, to which would have most certainly meant me arousing my gang to bitch at Platty [Master plan] but then he deleted his. Kiss my arse on Msn a little, thus I reposted.


    Moral is: I am great.

  6. Has anyone seen this little bugger? He's shitting on everyone, 14 year old lad has been the champion for three days [i've only seen two] so check it out Monday.


    Des for the win. I also got both Teatime Teasers today. Shabba!


    Also: Deal Or No Deal, not truly amazing [Although Platty disagrees] but worth watching just for the Noelinator.

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