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Posts posted by EEVILMURRAY
I think I'll go get drunk at my dad's pub Christmas eve, hopefully the lovely barmaid will be there so I can sneak a Christmas kiss from [More? Who knows]. Christmas day Dad says I'm working behind the bar 12-3, which I heard from a customer before dad informed me.
Then it's home to mothers for dinner.
I'm sick of how they're whoring Peter Jackson's name for this, which as most people know I don't rate the Lord Of The Rings that highly. "Peter Jackson's King Kong" As if he wrote it as was the case for "William Shakespeare's Romeo & Juliet" and "Mary Shelly's Frankenstein".
Also on the game they have "The official game of the movie" as if some bootleg copy is going to come out and we won't know the difference.
dude you are way too picky. any holes a goal as they say.
Indeed. He who is fussy gets no pussy, as my brother told me.
Like Atif, I was once semi depressed for a time. But it doesn't have the effect on people you think it does. At Uni I enjoy drinking/sitting in the dark, you could say I am depressed, I disagree. I enjoy silent reflection, I don't need lights to do so.
Either way, just imagine yourself as you were... let's say Maddox, if you think you are as great as he claims himself to be your self esteem should go no where but up.
I have a Samsung E700. But my brother has just upgraded his phone so I may have his D500 if I can be bothered to move all my numbers over.
Another bump because this really grinded my gears.
Gwen Stefani's "Contribution" to the song "Can I Have It Like That" I honestly think she said it just once and pushed a button to hear it again.
Confessions Of A Window Cleaner.
No it's because they dress queerly and have girly hair I imagine.
I was scared they were going to mention link, weird strong silent type elf in a skirt/tights and all.
Is anyone starting to suspect Ned is driving up the Marmite M1?
If the birthday thing at the bottom is anything to go by. Big it up. Do it. Do it.
Just fucking do it alright?
To Jo, the sites one and only Shabbaette. Have a Shabtastic birthday.
I played around with the hue/saturation on both bits to try and find a common shade. Any suggestions for the third picture?
Since you seem vastly experienced in the arts, would you recommend anything I could do to get the hair right in the jesus one?
Christ people, it's winners choice! Stop teh cloggage!
I really do wish i knew how people got the fonts and everthing like that..
Well I actually used the letters on offer there and stuck them together. Remixed a few, for example to make the L in Rolf I used the T from Trust, turned it over and chopped a bit off.
Is it really a photography project if you're not actually taking the photos dare I ask?I think the same with using Photoshop, photography for me is just taking photos, narrow minded perhaps but shabba.
My teacher said it would help if I took a picture of my hand in the thumbs up pose... apparently it would make it better. I lied about where I got the images from to her, I said I scanned a Dollar bill [i do own one] and the autobiography for the face [which I do own, but the face isn't from there] I only did the Jesus one yesterday, so she hasn't seen that yet.
But I'm not sure how physical photos will help big up the greatness of the Rolf.
Still not sure about creative (which is what I presume you meant by "tech") or general. Will ponder about it and maybe move it tomorrow.
Creative for art perhaps, but I said Tech on the chance that I end up asking people for tips. It's a triforce topic.
This is probably treading the line between General and Tech but since I'm mainly asking for suggestions, and also Tech talk is about as dead as my ability to drive, rather than asking for tips.
But if anyone [ha] has noticed my other topic in the other section I'm making a three-poster project for Photography, which must be done on Grr. Photoshop, that's right. The program I swore never to use on the basis that it's cheating is the one I have to use for bloody Uni.
As mentioned, 3 posters, on anything we want. One fellow classmate has done a Blancmange Defamation League for example, another doing a Sock Monster Awareness. I, for once lacking creativity [must've been in photoshop shock] decided on a "wrap up for winter" thing, which basically involved me in one picture wearing a coat, the other in a 118 vest and shorts, with Jack Frost photoshopped on top. Shite no?
One morning at 7:30 an idea struck me. Rolf Harris, the legend. He needs awareness. Thus the Rolf Harris Appreciation Massive [RHAM] was born. Now I know they're not perfect, since my photoshop cherry has just been popped.
Poster One: In Rolf We Trust.
Poster Two: The Rolf Giveth...
Now I need some sort of suggestion for my third. I was planning to graft his head on Errol Flynn from some sort of Robin Hood, but it just isn't worthy of The Rolf's stature.
I consider it to me a misspell of pwn, a simple miss key, but someone said it was short for "Power Own" which if true it would be more widely known.
I was hoping Dylan would lay a bit of extra beatdown on that ringworm. When I saw him coughing a bit of dirt I was wishing Dylan would scrape a bit into his mouth, saying "Eat the fucking dirt bitch!" or words to that effect.
Genae looking awesomely stacked today as well brought a tear to my eye, but I'm convinced she's wearing some form of paddage, it wasn't that big to begin with.
Family Guy has made me laugh way more than Simpsons ever could.
But Dan Castellaneta last night on the comedy awards was genius.
Ok so a little more detail perhaps is needed....
Ive known her for about 5 years, we have always been good friends and pretty close..She has been with her Boyfriend for about 2 months now, ive met him a couple of times, he seems ok but not really her type.
It was her birthday friday and we went out saturday to have a good ol' drink up and boogie...to cut a long story short we ended up kissing (which we have done many times before throughout our 5 years of knowingness) then later she asked if she could stay at my house... How could i say no to my good friend who has stayed at mine many times before ?eh? anyway one thing led to another when we got home and we had the sex...
I feel bad cos she has a boyfriend and i would hate to be in his shoes but then again on the other hand i dont feel guilty at all and neither does she cos as she says, ive known you forever (well 5 years) and you mean more to me than him (the boyfriend), bah i dunno, ill just get on with it i guess, all part of being young and gaining experience from these kinda things.
Thanks for all your advice and kind words.
Sounds like one of those things you get in Dear Deidre, except for one thing, it was just "had the sex". It's always "It was the best" "Phenomonal" "Out of this world" etc. These people must not get much.
Either way. I'm down with your funky shizzle. However! Don't make a habit of it. Shabba.
The adverts for it made it look really good. I was getting quite the anticipated bloke. But when I finally got round to watching it, dull, boring. Disappointment.
For my Photography project for University I have to do a 3poster campaign, I've decided to celebrate the greatness of Rolf Harris. I'm trying to copy a picture of Jesus onto my canvas [which when I made a new one I specified the canvas size for A4 paper] but when it pastes it makes the image really small. If I try a print preview in paint of the image it covers around 3-4 pages.
I did try setting it on 800x600 and it copied to a larger scale, but I would prefer it on A4 so I know how it's going to look.
Talk people dammit!
I did start to think Lyn had begun her meddling ways yet again but wasn't as bad.
Genaes rack today. Extraordinary.
We need details Platmon, was this a drunken liason? Did you provoke her with the EEVIL charms I taught you? Did she have a satisfying rack? [My achilles heel.]
Details dammit!
Seen it before any everything, lol etc, but IO have just discovered that the Baloni possess a hidden link...
Only just discovered that?! Bloody hell...
download it even
Too much effort, for Superman it isn't warranted.
Looks like Jim from American Pie.
My night tonight
in General Chit Chat
No more controversial sexual liasons then?