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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. Watched The Marvels last night, it wasn't that bad. I've not seen the Ms Marvel series, so watching her froth at the gash at seeing Captain Marvel was most humourous. Brie wasn't that bad either, don't think she deserves the flack she got here. Rambeau Jnr was the worst, just being a crybaby bitch throughout about how Carol flew off and didn't come back quick enough for her satisfaction. Villain was boring, turned into female Ronan but somehow able to hold her own against these three broads, one of which could've fucked over Thanos several times over, but give a girl a bracelet and they're nigh unstoppable. Main highlight was Goose and all the lil kitties.
  2. You sit down and you put your hands on that keyboard and mouse and you say "Thank you!" "And God bless America" [/Red]
  3. I feel that, after the swordsman level I was wondering what kind of "attack" Peach would have this time, but instead it was just holding down a button and letting go. Worries me for some of the other costumes they aren't showing much of. The jumping felt a bit weird against the boss, maybe it was just the perspective/angle, but when jumping up as in away from the camera, I didn't seem to cover as much ground as I did for the 2D sections.
  4. It is one of the risks yes, but this was handled in a shitty way. After the pledge they started adding stuff that wasn't mentioned initially, one of the things involving pets which then became its own game to go with it. I think there was another mode they decided to make too. Because of all this they decided to redo the rules for the game we were actually backing from scratch. We weren't interested in all this random shit they were tacking on, you've got our money, just give us what we paid for. Then updates started having lore that started with lines with "lots of people have been asking us about the ice tribe of frozen peak...", when literally no one has been asking for this, the question was "where's my shit?". They really hung their hat on the bloke having heart problems, as if it were a one man project, which I don't think is fair to the guy at all. This was a slow torture which sadly had only one outcome, but I kept holding out hope. But they wonder why things got "toxic" to them online.
  5. Thousands of Kickstarter backers left out of pocket as Super Dungeon Explore publisher Ninja Division files for bankruptcy - (boardgamewire.com) That's £300 I'm not getting back. "An ICV2 report from March 2018 quoted Ninja Division co-owner and creative director John Cadice as saying the company would no longer fund large projects on Kickstarter, citing “toxicity” from users on the platform." No shit, you dragged your heels and swindled a shitload of people
  6. £5.50 on Playstation store for ze PS5.
  7. Isn't it still available on demand 4?
  8. Just got Jedi Fallen Order for £5.50 on ze store. Not bad I thought
  9. So you came to the *PC* thread?! bitch you be trippin', take that heathen shit to one of the console threads ¬_¬
  10. Titled as a legal administrator, although the details are still a bit vague, there seems to be a fair few things this job does, but there's a team and whilst they all do a bit of everything, each person focusses on one bit mainly. Going on the vibe I was getting in the interview, it may be chasing up the police etc for reports n stuff. I appear to have been the 4th person to hand in their notice in a short space of time too. I start on 2nd April, they did offer the 23k max they talked about, which as said is a cut, but I feel there will be more opportunities to advance. The role above my current position, which I think I applied for about 10 various departments and got maybe 2 interviews, all said upon rejection about how many applicants they had (one said 40 people). I could tell I wasn't going to get anywhere any time soon, and in when in a job I always have the sense of "oh, the team will stay together and we'll work alongside each other forever", and when the others leave for better jobs my mind goes "wait a minute, why aren't *I* being offered these better positions?!", simply because I'm not taking the risk and putting myself out there. Now I have, fingers crossed it pays off!
  11. Glen has already beaten you to the revelation above. I think I preferred it when I thought it was a sack, instead of some prolapsed anus pretending to be a tail.
  12. Shit they need to get their brains onto and start that explainin' Looking at your other comment I had to go through the 'dex to see these exceptions... from my investigations* Delibird's sack - Spiritomb's rock maybe - Timburr/Gurdurr/Conkeldurr (mainly Timburr, I assume when it evolves it runs off to rob the other props like a crab getting a bigger shell) - Throh/Sawk's gi's - Klefki's keys - Sandygast's spade - Type: Null's helmet - Komala's stump - Sinistea's cup maybe, I'm not sure if it is haunting the cup, or is the cup - Mimikyu's whole rags - SirFetch'd lance/shield - Tinkatink's hammer (caveat for later evolutions with Timburr etc above) - Gimmighoul's chest - sure I've missed some Less than I thought! *scrolling down a list on Bulbapedia
  13. I think there are some even sillier ones. How does Farfatch'd hatch with a leek? Or Cubone with their "mum's" skull, especially when the mum is a Ditto ¬_¬
  14. Did they ever address the WWE belt he magically gets when evolving?
  15. 68?! You'd think the dude had been around forever
  16. Just thought I'd make an announcement that due to some niggling itch, I've gotten back into playing Hitman 3. I think I caught one video of one of the last levels in the earlier game which I could never do stealthily. But have been re-enjoying the sniper challenges. Although for some reason it doesn't seem to have saved my progress from the previous 2 games. Oh well, I'll just go through them again.
  17. If it were Daisy on my back, perhaps...
  18. Did Yoshi always gaze at Mario with that alluring look?
  19. The premise looks intriguing, but I can't be the only one who finds Andrew Scott boring to watch.
  20. What would you compare them to?
  21. I've known of the Argos/Sainsbury's remix for years, mainly since the two closest Argos' closed and the nearest can only be found in a Sainsbury's miles away. I only ever go into Sports Direct to buy footwear, so I only just found out
  22. Went to Sports Direct to buy some new trainers as the heels had worn down making me slip occasionally... And discovered that like Argos' are appearing in Sainsbury's, there appeared to be a GAME store in a Sports Direct. Naturally I had to have a browse. Found this delightful t-shirt for 8 quid. I could not resist.
  23. Other arm done!
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