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Posts posted by RedShell

  1. Think its just a bad screenshot? Since that one looks pretty nice Red Shell.

    The fact it was of a retro track (and one of the least visually exciting ones at that, i.e. Ghost Valley) doesn't really help matters either.

  2. I think this is the screen shot that we need to be focusing on:




    *drools* :love:


    Sure the models are low poly, but...

    Awesome draw distance + depth of field? Check.

    Good texturing? Check.

    Beautiful lighting effects? Check.


    Add 12 players and 60fps in to the mix and I think it looks pretty damn good. icon14.gif

  3. Do you guys seriously think this is going to help improve your fitness? Leaning from side-to-side isn't generally recognised as a fitness-technique...
    Indeed, but these :wink:...




    Seriously, if people end up doing that sort of stuff on a daily basis (especially people that don't exercise much) it's definitely going to have an effect on their fitness.

  4. Redshell i think i've asked you this before but what cables etc..are you using for that TV? Your picture quality always looks really good!
    Just the official component cables and some time spent calibrating the TV with this guide:




    I think a lot of it is just down to Panasonic LCD's having pretty good handling of standard definition material. I actually chose my TV after seeing that Nintendo were using the same model to demo Wii at events. :hehe:

  5. but thing I want to know the most is, can 2 online friends meet up and search for more players...
    That's an interesting point, I'm guessing friends and random players will be kept separate though like on MKDS.


    What I'd really like to know is if this will use a similar system to Brawl, so that if someone disconnects mid game the CPU will take over. I think that's a really good idea and should become standard on all WFC games. That, and I really hate the sound that plays when someone d/c's on MKDS, it's become like the most annoying sound effect ever! :heh:


    They better not re-use it for MK Wii. :shakehead

  6. Awesome! I really was starting to think we wouldn't see this for quite a while.

    But yeah, very happy we'll be getting it in April. :smile:


    Plus, the sooner this is out, the sooner we should be seeing 1080° Wii! (I hope so anyway. :wink:)

  7. I'm definitely getting more excited for this now (finally having a release date really helps :hehe:), sure I'm still not over the moon about all the non-traditional stuff, but having seen some new screens and reading about how extensive the online aspect is, plus the insane amount of stat tracking and a dedicated Wii channel, I'm suddenly really looking forward to it. :yay:

  8. Bully: Scholarship Edition - March 7.


    "It is currently scheduled for a European release date of March 7", in Gamespot Hands on

    Cheers. : peace: Added it to the list.


    Games Master has Brawl as the 21/3/08.... but they also have Duke Nukem Forever as the 28/3/08 so i would take it with a pinch of salt :)
    Much more than just a pinch. :heh:

    Brawl isn't going anywhere near the list until we get a 100% confirmed, full release date from NoE. So yeah, probably not any time soon then. :laughing:

  9. but they should be clever enough to not put the HUD in the borders, for example.
    You'd think so, wouldn't you.


    Why do you guys worry so much about bars that are at the most 5 mm wide...? Or 5 mm cut-offs for that matter?
    I wouldn't call it worry, more like curiosity. And we're talking about more than 5mm here too, for example:




    Excite Truck has 5mm borders on the top and bottom plus 10mm on either side, yes I measured them :heh::




    Umbrella Chronicles has no borders on the top or bottom, but 20mm on each side!:




    But the reason I'm so interested in this seemingly irrelevant issue, is that when you take in to consideration that a game like Mario Galaxy can look as good as it does yet still be displayed so it completely fills the screen, it makes me wonder as to why not all Wii games can do the same.


    And lets face it, one of the most important things when selling / buying TV's (other than picture quality) is screen size. So, when you're suddenly losing like 1.5 or 2 inches of display, you kind of want to know why.

  10. It's not quasi-widescreen, it's widescreen nonetheless, it just has underscan, just like Umbrella Chronicles, Resident Evil 4 Wii, Excite Truck, Eledees, etc.


    Underscan is meant for widescreen CRT's as it wouldn't be displayed; on LCD's it's the contrary. (in short, there should be a option to toggle between one and the other, but instead developers choose one or the other)


    Still... it's true widescreen.

    So what's the deal with games that do fill the screen on an LCD, like Wii Sports, Zelda, Galaxy, etc... when played on a widescreen CRT? Do they have part of the picture cutoff then? If not, what's the point of this underscan malarkey? ::shrug:


    See I always thought the borders on the games you mentioned were just there for an easy fix to any frame rate issues. :hmm:

  11. I've sais it before and I'll say it again: bullshit. It's out on the 25th in USA, Sven from Capcom said there will be a dealy in EU (even though not too big), so 3 days? No.

    If you read the main site, you'd know it :P

    And this is one of those super rare occasions where I'd actually want a longer delay, already got PES 2008 penciled in for March 28th, don't want to get this at the same time, especially after weeks with no new games. Seriously annoying when that happens! :shakehead


    It's like bloody buses. :laughing:

  12. Release dates, release dates and more release dates! Seriously NoE... Release dates!! :mad:


    Other than that I'd really like to see some more of Wii Music and Mariokart. Not to mention the E3 airplane demo (in other words Pilotwings) and Animal Crossing, like to find out what's going on with those two. Not that bothered about the fridge thing personally, but I guess it would be a good move with Wii Ware around the corner.

  13. I saw some of the vids earlier, will still be picking this up despite those issues.

    Not seen much of the PS2 version either so I'm sure it won't bother me anyway.


    Just hope it doesn't come out on the same day as PES 2008 as some rumours are suggesting. :shakehead

  14. No guys, the video doesn't say anything different, the video actually confirms it. ONM say you click on the opposition and the computer does it all for you. The video says EXACTLY the same. They show the pointing at the player and then the players going in to tackle him!!! You don't control the defender himself :( What a load of shit!


    PS Does anyone know if you can turn the arrows OFF for multiplayer?

    But that's like saying when you play fifa/pes now with a traditional control scheme, that once you press a button the computer does it for you. ::shrug:


    ONM made it sound as if it was completely automated though, and it most certainly is not. You still have control over your defenders movement via the new control type by pointing at a player and pushing A, (I'm guessing it'll work with the analog stick method too). And you still control the timing of sliding tackles, clearances even the complete defensive line!


    The way I see it, the defensive controls are as spot on as the rest of the game play. I think ONM just had a case of the old, we need something negative to say in our review syndrome, so decided to fabricate / exaggerate something just for the sake of it.


    Classic. :laughing:
  15. Nice to see some new stuff for this at last, hopefully we'll get some direct feed vids soon.


    Interesting about the GCN controller support too, although that doesn't exactly fill me with confidence for the Wii Wheel controls. :hmm:

    Guess we'll just have to wait and see.

  16. Well...first of all it's nothing to do with ratings. Secondly, ratings boards rate different things in different ways.



    Yeah I know, just think it's a little bit weird that's all.


    No More Heroes would probably be a 15 BBFC too - either with or without the blood
    You're right it probably would have been, oh well.


    Here's another comparison, just for a laugh :grin: :




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