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Posts posted by RedShell

  1. I wonder what else we can expect.
    Airplane! Airplane! Airplane! :laughing:

    Seriously Nintendo, please put that airplane game form E3'06 in this title. It's already got the same island and everything.


    Despite the glitchyness of the press conference showing I think this looks pretty sweet, it's just a shame we won't see it until next year. Would've been a great game for Christmas.

  2. I think this is looking very good, ok so it appears to be essentially the same game as the N64/GCN & DS versions in both content and visuals, but I think that the new features (especially Wii Speak) will really increase the enjoyability and longevity (if that's even possible!) of this title.


    It's like how the first AC game was just crying out for online play, (remember the memory card swapping thing to visit other towns? :heh:) which of course Nintendo then fixed with Wild World. And Wild World was just crying out for voice chat, (the speech bubble thing was really limiting) and now we'll be getting it for City Folk, so with every new version of the game Nintendo have always addressed the biggest issues of the previous one, whilst still maintaining the feel of the franchise.


    I must admit though, I would have preferred more than 4 players in a town (especially as we got 12 player online with Mario Kart Wii, a much more intensive game) but at least you can have every one inside the buildings now it seems, unlike on the DS game. Would be cool if this utilizes the Wii-DS connectivity too (like the GCN-GBA link up) for making patterns, town tunes, writing letters etc... on the go. Wasn't there talk of a writeable DS or GBA cart coming out? It'd be perfect for that, or I suppose you could just sleep mode your DS until you upload stuff.


    Anyway, will be looking forward to more info on this game, most importantly that of release dates. I'm going to be insanely optimistic here and say that I think it will see an almost simultaneous worldwide release. Crazy I know, :grin: but I think the fact that Wild World sold so well here in Europe, (outselling the US version) coupled with the current state of our holiday line-up make it a possibility.

    Let's hope so at least. :smile:

  3. ^Cool. That'll be fun. Do you have to go on the outside part at any time?
    Nope, all of the outside parts are blocked off.

    It's basically going around in a huge circle, you can actually hold a powerslide for the whole race as long as you don't get hit by an item. :heh:

  4. A new competition is now available, it's a VS race around the DS Twilight House Battle Stage:



    15/07/08 - 25/07/08, Wii Wheel only.


    Had a few goes on it this morning, my best time is 0:49.686.

  5. They should really do some options regarding multiple youtube video's though, you cant pause them :(
    Yeah that option would be good, there's clearly a lot of stuff that should be added to this. Could end up being great though.


    I see you got rid of my huge Youtube video though :heh: haha
    Yup. What the hell was that, it felt like I was being brain washed! :laughing:


    By the way my user name on this thing is CaparazonRojo (RedShell in Spanish), I'll be damned if I'm gonna be RedShell2950400 :heh:

  6. I managed to hit 37 seconds on the comp this morning, don't think I'll be able to beat that.


    Shame not so many people seem to be participating in the competitions now, my friends list has always had enough entry's for a top 10 before, only got a top 2 for this one though. :sad:


    I suppose most people are too addicted to Brawl at the moment. :heh:

  7. Wow this game is so awesome, can't believe that amount of stuff that's in it. I almost don't know what mode to play when I power the thing up, sooo much to choose from! :heh:


    I'm still trying to get to grips with all the characters, think Pikachu is my favourite at the moment, although I don't really like his final smash.


    The cut scenes in The Subspace Emissary are just mind blowing! :o

    This really has been very much worth the wait.

  8. Hello guys. I love Ókami, really. It is one of the greatest games of all time, but I have a problem with my brand new Wii PAL version. Sadly, it is not smooth enough, especially when you compare it with the NTSC version. I do`nt know how is this possible but via Freeloader /yeah, I could not wait/, everything was perfectly smooth and the game itself run brilliantly /component cable, 480p/. It is especially noticeable when you are moving camera 360degree around Amaterasu. If you do it in the PAL version, you will be surprised how horribly the framerate suffers.

    Have anyone experienced that? Or could it be a crap DVD? I am hopeless. Of course, the game itself is playable, but I thought that Ókami deserves more than bad framerate in PAL terriotories `cause it is a rare gem :heart: .


    Thanks for your answers.

    I haven't noticed any framerate problems, mind you I'm only around 7 or so hours in at the moment.


    Does this run in full widescreen?
    Nearly, just got minimal borders on the sides of the screen.


    Biggest setback visually (aside from the text clarity) is the now muted parchment paper effect, but you only really notice that on the pre-rendered cut scenes where it is in full effect (I guess they're straight from the PS2 version) other than that though it looks great.

  9. I think it was more WTF at the date.:p
    Oh right. :laughing:

    Well I don't remeber the origional source for that game's date now, but the following all have it listed for the 27th:






    If anyone knows more about it please post in here.


    Anyway there's a few games that are out, that aren't out yet according to shopto.
    Really, like what? :hmm:
  10. Well, my imported copy of Brawl stopped working a week ago anyway
    How come? :hmm:


    As for the update, although not exactly ground breaking I do like the new feature of being able to move Miis to the parade. My plaza was almost full (with all of the Miis I've been making for the contest channel) so it's good to be able to free up some space whilst still keeping them on the system. :smile:

  11. Only played this for a few hours so far, but am enjoying it.

    It's a really beautiful game.


    My biggest gripe is with the in-game text, I find it blends in way too much with whatever is in the background making it quite difficult to read (not exactly ideal for a game like this). Would've been better if the text box wasn't so transparent.

    Anyone else had problems with it, or do I just need to get my eyes tested? :heh:


    But yeah apart from that it's all good, looking forward to progressing a bit more and learning some new techniques. :smile:

  12. Loving the new competition, got around 17 seconds on it at the moment. :)


    I tried the Grumble Volcano thing earlier, managed to get on the rock (after a few attempts) but couldn't get the laps to register. Still, it's a really cheap shortcut. Hope it doesn't work online. :shakehead

  13. Excellent news! Cheers for posting dazzybee. : peace:


    So... Wii Music, Samba de Amigo, Rhythm Tengoku Gold and Taiko on Wii. 2008 sure is going to be a great year for the music game genre!


    Now if only Space Channel 5 Wii would get confirmed. :smile:

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