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Posts posted by Wesley

  1. On 17/02/2022 at 8:21 PM, Ashley said:

    I feel like it's one of those shows that probably got really rubbish towards the end but I recall watching it. 

    Similarly I've been watching Sabrina although I've skipped over most of the last season as it's terrible. But that nostalgia man. 

    I've also been watching this on Amazon Prime! Just trying to relive a bit of my childhood.

  2. Is the map support artist the guy who holds up the map so other people can see it?


    I spend all day on all fours (calm down) to prop up the a map artist's desk.


    And yeah I moved to sunny old Edinburgh for this job. Moving about in the games industry is super common - and also fun! Cause it means people like me can escape the farmlands of Lincolnshire.

  3. gamedevmap


    I've been slowly putting together a Google Map of game devs. UK is pretty packed - but I've been avoiding start-ups and mobile stuff really. But anyway you might find it helpful.




    Man some of these job searches sound awful. I don't know how people keep sane given the amount of stuff happening/for how long.


    Mine was fairly simple. Finished uni June/July last year (seems much longer than that :P) and then focused on my folio for about 2 months - then applied for all the larger/console studios in the UK. Within a month I got an interview at Rockstar North and, just over a year ago, started there as a map support artist. Was fairly simple and makes me feel super lucky/guilty at the same time!


    Ugh, I just took a C++ test for a company. Think it went terribly. Bad enough it's been a while since I've done some programming, but half the stuff I've never touched. And if that's basic stuff, I'm well out of my depth. Think I need a new career plan.


    If you feel out of touch with some of this stuff but want to get back in - while having something to show for it folio wise - then why not try out Unity? Fantastic for mocking up something simple and showing you can code competently in C# or Java. Just take a puzzle game like Devil Dice and re-make it in Unity. 3dmotive have some great Unity training going on over at udemy for only $5 each!


  4. Went to a Burton Dassett Hills today for a nice walk and turns out today was the hill climb:




    :grin: Such a cute pup! That made my day.


    Well today is my last day off from work. After V shipped I got given 2 weeks of comp time. This is in the GOOD thread though because although it's ending it was a really relaxing and I'm looking forward to going back to work and getting into stuff.

  5. I really missed these forums. I haven't been on in a while due to life and other things getting in the way. Most people won't really know me as I never did anything that big for the community but I used to just love hanging here. So I came back recently and someone here has done a really good deed for me. I was like wow ;-; so many feels. I dunno if it counts as a good thing, but I'm back and the fact that someone helped me out after so long really meant a lot to me. I love this community ^_^


    We love you too.

  6. Hmm, is it me or is that a mixture of game engine and pre-rendered footage?


    Edit: I mean it all looks great, it's just that some parts are noticeably smoother and...shinier or something (like that car chase bit).



  7. But people swear all the time?


    And people make rape jokes?


    The rape joke itself wasn't even based on a real event; so it's hardly making light of the issue of rape.


    Anyway, like I said, I'd prefer not to spend time here anymore.


    You're all pleasant, and this isn't an angry, "FU GUYZ!" thang or anything.


    Just... you know...

  8. Incredible.


    You're right, it wasn't a joke.


    I was being serious.


    I was seriously suggesting a man should rape his daughter.




    EDIT: Actually, fuck it.


    I'm acting like I have the right of free speech on this forum.


    It's a forum owned by some guy, so it's private and you guys can delete what you want I suppose.


    And so I'd rather not be apart of that.

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