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Posts posted by MindFreak

  1. I'm on vacation and needed to get some reading done. I happened to find a couple of comics at the library that I am currently reading. The first one was Moon Knight The Complete Collection by Jeff Lemire. I enjoyed his Green Arrow Year One stuff but I must say that I didn't enjoy Moon Knight that much. Sure, it was intriguing trying to figure out what was real and what wasn't but at the end of the day, there wasn't enough interesting stuff going on. Might give the TV series a watch now, though, as the character itself was a bit interesting. 

    The other book I borrowed was Batman The Black Mirror. I'm not done yet but it is a very different Batman-story so far. Not much action but a great story. Can recommend it so far. 

  2. We started watching Succession recently, and have almost completed season 2. We were a bit apprehensive about it, it didn't really seem to be that good. I still think it doesn't deserve all that praise but it's good enough to keep watching it to the end, I think. 

  3. Watched Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse yesterday. It was totally awesome. It had less superhero action than expected but had a way more heavy and interesting story than the first. Can really recommend it, even though it's very long. 

    I need to re-watch the first, though, it's been a while. 

    • Like 1
  4. 3 hours ago, Julius said:


      Shoulders, knees and toes (Hide contents)

    I'm not quite sure that's right re: they only appear during Blood Moon? They make the sky look like a blood moon is taking place, turning it red and dark, but I've encountered the Gloom Spawn/Hands/Floormaster 3000s out in the open during broad daylight (and after they vanished it went back to being the middle of the day) – I'm pretty sure they're tied to a location and then respawn during the Blood Moons just like every other enemy. Maybe there's an increased likelihood of them turning up leading up to a Blood Moon? No idea. 

    First time I encountered them they scared the ever-living Hylia out of me, I was just swimming from one side of a small stream to another and, well, yeah. Horrifying to encounter out of the blue.

    Loved it. 



    Well, true. I might have seen them in broad daylight as well. I just encountered them coincidentally when there was a blood moon coming and they disappeared afterwards. But I don't know, a couple of times they just disappeared again.


  5. Spoiler

    I met the hands first time when I was in a cave. Tried to fight it but didn't have enough arrows to kill them.

    Found out later that the only appear during a blood moon. When they appear, I just get to a ledge and wait for it to go away. Boring stuff once you've escaped. 

    Like rain. Fuck rain, it does nothing good to the game. 


  6. Deadlift really hits the lower back when done correctly so it makes sense that you feel it there. If it really is DOMS, then you probably just overdid it - a rule of thumb is that if you have DOMS for more than 3 days, it was too much for your current state. 

    Anyways, heat, massage, and light exercise without weights to loosen it up should help, along with some gentle stretching. 

  7. On 16.5.2023 at 10:49 AM, bob said:

    Watched The Sandman

    My main issue with the show is that the guy they got to play Dream was awful. He looked like a student who had just rolled out of bed. Completely wooden and dull, and not enough presence to carry an entire show. 

    As far as I know, that is very true to the comic, though. And I think he lived up a bit over the course of the show. 

  8. Spoiler

    I've done about... 25 and yeah, they are easy enough to clear. A couple were tricky to get the timing right and some were harder because I got stripped off of my equipment and had to kill constructs with environmental stuff. I've found, though, that getting the chest is actually the fun puzzle. They twist stuff a bit. 


  9. 14 minutes ago, Aneres11 said:

    I may be in the minority here but I'm finding this a bit of a chore at the moment. 

    Done the first shrine but then the game doesn't tell you where the other ones are to progress (unless I'm missing something). So I've spent ages wandering and the only ones are out of reach to me for reasons I won't "spoil". 

    I have done nothing but scour the map and getting nowhere. I don't think it's the game, it's definitely more me. I'm not here for such open world games where you make your own way. The older I get and the less time I have I prefer a linear A to B type game not this massive world to explore. I also don't want to be on YouTube every 5 minutes to know the best path to take next as what's the point. 

    I will persevere but so far I haven't enjoyed what I have played if I'm being honest. 

    There are story points that you can follow which makes the game a bit more linear, at least in the beginning. Then you can pick a direction (story wise) and go with that. 

    • Like 1
  10. 54 minutes ago, drahkon said:

    Made some progress...

      Location and Purah Pad spoilers (be warned - don't know how to describe it without spoiling it) (Reveal hidden contents)

    ...in The Depths.

    What a boring place this is. It's pretty much BotW: large areas full of absolutely nothing :p
    Also very tedious to traverse - I guess that's the point but it's simply not fun,

    I did, however, manage to complete a quest and am now following another questline to upgrade the pad with some much needed features.

    Still not sure what to think of the game. I'm enjoying it a lot more than BotW but that's not saying much.


    Yeah. Those depths aren't much fun. I found a Yiga hideout which was interesting and had some blueprints for a design, I think. I then found some Poes but that's it. Can't see myself spending much time there. 


    • Like 1
  11. 14 hours ago, Sheikah said:

    Is it just me or do the enemies hit really hard? I started out on the main island with 4 hearts and it feels like pretty much everything hits you for at least 3.

    Yeah. I'm dying constantly, even at 7 hearts. Can't seem to get the timing for flurry attacks right half the time, so it's also on me, but yeah. It seems like one or two hit kills all the time. 

    Also getting rupees is a slow process. I only just 800 now after selling a bunch of rubies and joining the monster squad one time. Now I can afford an armor which let's me progress some story related quest. 



    In this memory, Zelda mentions something about becoming a dragon. I therefore assume that Zelda is the Dragon flying about in the sky. 

    I went to explore a chasm yesterday. Was instantly killed by a giant frog. But fifth time I got around it and found some interesting stuff there. But it was mainly just really dark and empty, can't see myself spending a lot of time there. 

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