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Everything posted by Glen-i

  1. Wii graphics are a bit better. I recently finished it again on 3DS and it's still great. I already made a lengthy post in the gaming diary thread about the differences between the two if you're interested. (There are spoilers in there though)
  2. OK, seriously. At this point, even I'm getting the impression of bitterness.
  3. Hey! No! Chameleons are cool. Shut up!
  4. No way! Seriously!? Totally would have done the same if I had the cash. Good on you!
  5. Did I mention how hyped this has made me!? I feel like I'm 9 all over again!
  6. It doesn't even need my support, does it? It's going to smash the million mark. Still gonna fund 15 quid for that digital WiiU edition though. Damn! This has gotten me so excited! I would also throw money at a possible Yooka Amiibo as well.
  7. Kirby Super Star is considered the best Kirby game by many people for a very good reason. It's definitely in my top 3!
  8. SOLD! SOLD! SOLD! SOLD! Looks like they jumped straight out of the 90's! Also, plus a million points for chameleons! Damn my ridiculous bias towards chameleons! Might have to help fund my first Kickstarter ever.
  9. Sorry, you were just too late. I checked before I opened the room. Couldn't help but notice that a lot of you wussed out and chose light characters... No confidence in your handling skills, huh? @The Mole and I were the only ones who stuck with our usual setup. Felt weird being the heaviest character... I love how nuts 200cc is. It changes so much!
  10. Done! Sorry everyone else. You all know who to blame.
  11. Group 1 is open now. BTW, @Bullet Will, I got your Friend Request. You're good to go.
  12. I wonder if this was helped by a certain character in Smash who really felt it...
  13. Oh well, worth a punt. I'll take this news with grace and dignity. So naturally, I hate every single one of you and hope you all get hit by meteorites... Twice.
  14. Okie dokie! Will have to nick @Dcubed's wired connection then. Good thing he's out this week then, huh? Oh, and like always say. Check if I'm on your friends list. Better safe than sorry!
  15. You're the one who asked for this aren't you? I mean, wow. This is so unnecessary, it's hilarious!
  16. I know this is clutching at straws at this point, but @Dcubed, could you please order me a blue one if you can. I need that Amiibo in my life.
  17. Never noticed that. Guess Lucario nicked that element. I prefer this Mewtwo to Melee's. He has a little more "oomph" in his launching power. Also, he's great at cancelling out attacks and quickly counter-attacking.
  18. No, I still can't. Give me the exact setup and I'll try it out myself.
  19. Yay, someone noticed! Totally done on purpose there!
  20. You must have JavaScript enabled on your device to view Miiverse posts that have been embedded in a website. View post in Miiverse A few days ago, I finished Xenoblade Chronicles 3D. Now there's already a pretty great review on this site. It was from the point of view of someone who never played the original on the Wii. I, however, have played the original, so I will be focusing on how it compares to the Wii version. FAIR WARNING: I am going to be casually talking about spoilers in this game. This includes screenshots I posted on Miiverse. Even if it's not relevant.
  21. I'm calling BS and shenanigans on this. I've seen your setup many times. Do you expect me to believe that you did every track without: A: Braking (Pressing B) B: Decelerating (Letting go of A) 3: Brake Drifting (Using the B button while drifting) None of the above: Driving off-track No, I want some kind of proper proof! I'm gonna attempt every track (Apart from Koopa City) with that setup to see if it's possible, because I believe you are being a shenaniganist!
  22. I really hope this game doesn't fall into the trap of having most of the characters be Gen 1 Pokemon. Smash Bros did that while completely ignoring gens 3 and 5 (2 as well if you don't take Pichu in Melee into account) Almost half of the known playable characters are from that so far. Don't get me wrong, Gengar, Machamp, even Pikachu are fine by me. But there are plenty of perfectly awesome Pokemon from the latest games to choose from.
  23. Understandable, but wouldn't having some kind of backup solve the issue of hard drive dying? I'm not saying that physical copies are worthless, I just think they have more benefits to me in particular. It's the statement of "Owning them physically is far better than owning the eShop versions." that I just can't agree with. Of course it all depends on how Ninty will tackle the current eShop games when the NX is eventually released. If they're smart, they'll allow people to transfer NNID's and everything they contain over. Of course, there's no way of knowing that now.
  24. I can't... Yarn Yoshi plane is too goddamn cute!
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