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Everything posted by Glen-i

  1. Yep, that reads as positive. Ta very much, @Wii! If the review said something along the lines of "The great controls makes the game so easy, it stops being fun", then that'd be dumb.
  2. Yeah, was about to say the same thing. The only thing a Yoshi game should be directly compared to are other Yoshi games. There's a lot of shooters out there, but that in no way should affect a review of a new one. It's a poor reason to mark something down in a review. Also, someone mentioned something about someone saying the "controls are too perfect"? Can someone get me a quote or something? I can't believe this without some kind of context!
  3. News to me! Who knew that Shenmue 3 was getting Amiibo support?
  4. I'm sorry, but as much as I like Command, you can't honestly expect anyone to take the story in that game seriously. After all, that's the game where you can make Fox and Falco join F-Zero or have them screw up so badly that Star Wolf end up saving the galaxy and putting Star Fox out of a job. And it's brilliant!
  5. I like the idea, hopefully it isn't a case of whoever's got the most spare time wins. I'm also hoping that you can set some kind of password so the tourney doesn't end up being won by some bloke who isn't even on the site.
  6. Because amazingly enough, he doesn't have a heart of stone. Seriously, you'd have to hate life and yourself to say No to that thing! He likes the amiibo, so he bought the amiibo, big woop!
  7. Not gonna lie, after seeing some footage on Treehouse, this is one impressive looking game. Of course, it's a high-speed futuristic racer, so you can count me right out. But it'll be intriguing to see whether the F-Zero diehards will put their money where their mouths are.
  8. CUBE! NOOOOOooooooo! Starting to think I'm the only one not hit by the bug... OH GOD! It's like a cheesy clichéd zombie movie and I'm the oddly attractive hero. Except I'm not attractive at all, so the producer had to use make-up to try and make me look better. But that wasn't working, so they started to use CGI, and in the end, it would have been cheaper just to use Sean Penn. But they're in too deep, so they might as well finish the job, which leads to the movie becoming a cult hit because people have to see how creepily unnatural my face looks. I then become super rich and then lose it all in one day buying one Rosalina amiibo. ...Where am I?
  9. As much as I'd want you to be right, it's never gonna happen...
  10. You know what? I'm done. I've had enough. It's stopped being fun. Take me off the Always In list.
  11. I liked Command more than 64. There, I said it. I actually bothered to see all of the endings in Command, whereas in 64, it's very hard for me not to get bored before I finish the game. Haven't even bothered with Expert ever.
  12. You mean a white Yoshi with a black nose? Kinda lame, really, if you think about...
  13. Well, there you go. Artwork isn't the only good thing to come out of the series. As is to be expected, the boxart uses the Sugimori artwork. Gorgeous! I'm having serious problems choosing whether to go for digital or physical now... The world needs more box art like this.
  14. Gotta remember that America is getting it in Autumn.
  15. Oh, no-one cares about the story of the Japan-only WiiWare game! Just because you had to play it, doesn't mean the other stories aren't good! The mainline games could learn a thing or two from them. And I still maintain the soundtracks are brilliant!
  16. Well that looks just as ridiculously confusing as Kingdom Hearts has always been. I couldn't tell what the bloody hell was going on half of the time.
  17. No, I can't accept that. Are you trying to say that these games don't have good soundtracks? Because I would have to seriously question your taste in music if you don't think so. @Dcubed! Get in here! Serebii's trying to imply that the Mystery Dungeon soundtracks aren't good! EDIT: You're also implying that the stories aren't good either! NO! That's a bad Pokemon Website owner!
  18. Absolutely gorgeous 3DS theme for Japanese people who pre-order the game. I really hope that comes out over here. Ken Sugimori's Mystery Dungeon artwork always looks so bloody sublime! Gates to Infinity's box art sucked in comparison to the others.
  19. Getting some kind of world map online wouldn't go amiss as well. The game is a teensy bit ambitious for it's time. Still great though. If not as great as the other 2.
  20. Wait, so Zelda: Tri Force Heroes isn't being made instead of Zelda WiiU!? People on the internet tend to be pretty dumb sometimes, you just gotta ignore them sometimes. (Still have no interest in this game, but only because I don't like shooters)
  21. That's insane! How simple is the final boss with that setup? Dream Team and Bowser's Inside Story are a tie for top spot for me. Bowser's Inside Story has the most humour, easily. Dream Team definitely has more elaborate and creative ways to avoid attacks. It's also by far the most difficult game in the series (Something I hope they stick with for Paper Jam). I do hope there are less tutorials though. Like, yeah, explain timed hits for the newbies and all, but don't go overboard. (Personally, the dialogue is part of the package with M&L games, mainly because they're so well written, the more conversations, the better)
  22. I like the fact that you can enter a code to see the levels the artbook showcases. It'll definitely help to get some inspiration going.
  23. Controls like Splatoon, eh? Well, that's a good thing. The controls were one of the only things I liked about Splatoon. Can't wait to see people trying to shoot straight downward without Gyro. That will be a laugh.
  24. For what it's worth, I'm sure the best designed levels won't go overboard with making things insane. I don't plan on making my levels mean-spirited at all. Good level design slowly builds up in difficulty.
  25. I asked for it. I love the Four Swords series and the idea of online co-op Zelda makes me very happy. Will have to see whether removing the competitive aspect will affect but, yeah. I'm more than happy.
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