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Everything posted by Chuck

  1. Router problem

    Sister pulled everything out from in and around the computer cupboard. I just want to know if I need to get £80 out of her if it is broken. Wired works fine with everything.
  2. Router problem

    Yea I reset all of the settings after everything I tried. I backed them up before I started.
  3. Ledge gringos that you've shabba'ised.

    Paul Daniels FTW
  4. Cheap Router?

    It is that time of the year again when wireless on my router dies. The router sits on a windowsill where cable internet comes into the house. Unfortunatly it is also next to a computer cupboard and a bunch of wires to printers, monitor, tv, sky box...etc. So when someone wants to pull out all of the cables it creates a problem. I plug everything in where it needs to go and restart the internet (unplug modem and router, wait 2 minutes, plug modem, wait for lights, plug router). Now the wireless only broadcasts on and off and nothing is able to connect to it (PS3, iPhone and Laptop). I've restarted the internet and router a few times, checked all settings, reset all of the security and reset the router from the button at the back of the unit. Any help?
  5. Gta san andreas for xbox

    Xbox Originals. Did this really require a whole thread?
  6. Lost Series 5

    I guess next episode is going to be amazing. We are going to find out why Ben was injured before he got on the plane aswell. I think there is another time travelling problem in that episode. I think I see Danielle.
  7. Resident Evil 5

    Easier if you get close to him, dodge his melees with the left stick, and get a combo on him.
  8. Lost Series 5

    Man with beard has concerns about Richard taking Ben without asking Eli (Eloise Hawking?) and what would happen if Charles (Widmore?) found out that Richard took him. Richard tells him he doesn't answer to either of them.
  9. Football Season 2008/2009

    Looking at the table if Blackburn, Stoke, Portsmouth or Sunderland lose Newcastle are still in it. After all we are only 2 points away from safety with a good goal difference against the bottom 8 sides with Bolton +1 and Sunderland +4 and the rest have less. In other news Argentina got smashed 6-1 by Bolivia. The worst defeat in 60 years!
  10. Football Season 2008/2009

    Ian Dowie is Assistant Manager... Relegation 100%. He was abismal on Sky Sports.
  11. Happy April 1st!

    Jesus I had a wierd facial expression for a few minutes.
  12. Football Season 2008/2009

    Alan shearer is manager of newcastle united! at least he is off motd.
  13. Lost Series 5

    Rewatching season 3. Desmond episode where he gets fired from the Priory. On the desk of the head monk there is a dodgy photo of him and Eloise Hawking. The guy who did the manipulation should be fired. I was mainly watching season 3 again for Richard Alpert. I don't think he fits with season 5 Richard. He doesn't seem to be as intrested in John and follows orders from Ben. Locke time travels to '54 and is technically younger in season 3, plus even on a one-to-one about killing his dad there is no hint at all even in his body language. In season 4 there was the business about visiting a young Locke and trying to get him to come to the island on a 'science camp'. It makes me wonder even in season 3 if the writers knew what was going to happen in season 4 and 5. Doing some reading and Radzinski who is designing the swan actually spent time in it with Desmonds partner, Kelvin. Radzinski draws the writings on the walls and kills himself at the Swan. They are survivors of the purge, most likely oblivious to the fact that everyone is dead.... but Radzinski was well known in the DI group and the actor claims that he was second in command.
  14. Earth Hour - 8:30PM

    Can you not just turn lights off? I've got switches for all plugs in individual rooms and upstairs and downstairs lights I think.
  15. Earth Hour - 8:30PM

    I might have to turn the lights off at the switchboard as my sister loves to put lights on, even if she is leaving a room.
  16. Football Season 2008/2009

    I have recently been overcome with the feeling that Newcastle United will be in the Championship next season and 90% of the squad will be gone in the summer. I've just flicked to the Ireland game. Fastest goal I've ever seen - 35 seconds.
  17. 24 Season 7/Redemption Thread

    Don't know why everyone has a problem with Redemption. It's good.
  18. Resident Evil 5

    I just hid around a corner on the upper level. Running back around corners and walls to get a shot at his back. AI Sheva was surprisingly helpful to take care of Jill.
  19. Ghostbusters: The Game!

    Yeah the dialogue sounds very ditatched. Other than that this game looks very, very good and I will definatly be picking this up. I thought it was going to be dumped before it changed developers so at least its being released. For the look of a movie-tie-in game in a recession as big as this it is really nice to see a product of this quality.
  20. Football Season 2008/2009

    MOTD is going to be good tonight. Scholes deliberate hand-ball:D
  21. Metal Gear Touch

    Konami has made a bit of a pickle of this. If you buy it now you get a free update for the 2nd half. Otherwise the full version will be released later. The have labelled it as a 'special advance release edition' when it is not so special at all. EDIT Just bought it now. I've never seen anything drain the battery so fast.
  22. Resident Evil 5

    It wont be in my top 10/top 5 games
  23. Resident Evil 5

    See even in the recession games are still making moneyz. Another nail in the coffin for those who still think games are not a viable media. I finished this tonight. It's an alright singleplayer, not spectacular.