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Posts posted by Mr_Master_X2

  1. As for BC; fine with it. I think everything up to Wii should be VC, with just Wii U BC (though with how few got Wii Us and if NX is super poplar...some releases of Wii U digital would go down good and some titles would net million+sales again). Controller wise, I think it should be new and all-encompassing and purely focus on what NX games need. That said, it shouldn't be too hard to make it remote/gamepad compatible given they're just signals.


    One thing I'd like to see is a range of offical retro pads released. NES, SNES, N64 etc. for the VC games. If they found a way to produce them easily and cheaply they could make good profit. It's one of those "not actual games" ways they could make profit.

  2. Free Hoopa, Jirachi (still got Pokemon Channel one...that's the game it was with, I think) and MORE Regis (like my hundredth set...LOL). Also, just got my last set of Link BP until Sun/Moon comes out, 966BP. Not bad, but my first ORAS set was over 1600 if I remember correctly, which I used to buy almost or maybe indeed all the BP items. Will use next lump sum to buy everything on Sun/Moon to play (hopefully) PWT/BF with max item tactics from the get go.


    Does Bank points still go up when your account runs out? If so, when my bro gets Sun he's going to have soooooooo many... Even if not, he'll still have nearly a years worth.

  3. I'm sat in a bar on my fourth beer, just changed my outfit on Miitomo and earned 5 platinum points. I got to a thousand points and downloaded Twilight Princess Picross to my 3DS, for free, all from my smartphone.


    Welcome to the future, Nintendo! (at last)


    But stuff exactly like this has been available for years on Nintendo...just minus the phone.

  4. They definitely need to pursue the multi-plats COD etc.


    They need to snap up certain IPs for "NX ONLY" too such as Sonic, Megaman, Monster Hunter etc. and loads of others. Stuff that while the audiences aren't huge, are big enough to lure lots of players each (except MH, that's HUUUUUUGE, and Nintendo needs to keep hold of it!)


    They need to nudge SE to give Nintendo more titles. A new Crystal Chronicles multi-player series would be good, as would the Mana series exclusive to NX.


    Of course them those are my wishes. I personally don't believe getting "the multiplats" will lure that many people since they've already chosen their loyalty console. It will help, but appealing to ignored IPs people still have good memories (and a million plus fans) of that probably shoudn't have been canned (like Bayonnetta) could help. I think it's more "the general package," on its own multiplats won't do much good, but combined with "everything else" it'll be that last push.


    Letting Pokemon be played on either console would instantly help sales, too.

  5. I remember wanting more stuff like the notched ear Pichu. Scruffy fur Umbreon, smooth fur Jolteon, gold plated Electrode, great-ball Voltorb, dual colour striped Basculin, chocolate whip Vannilite etc. Ahhhhh the potential. It's just another nice easy new element (to implement) to the collecting aspect. A nice little rare treat (since cheaters spoiled shinies rareness).

  6. About a week ago Kotaku and other outlets were reporting about how users Mario Maker levels were being deleted. Here's the original story.




    It looks like its happening again.




    Having to remake your level is crazy and not knowing what you done wrong in the first place just makes matters worse. How are you supposed to stop making the same mistake again ( that's if a mistake was even made ) if Nintendo are going to remain tight lipped about the situation?


    I understand the original reason (language related "poo") but when ALL his levels go missing...kind of makes me think they were deleted because of stream profiting which they learnt about fom him getting in touch with them. It would certainy fit Nintendo's "standards.". Unless they were endorsed by Nintendo.

  7. You see, none of the footage I've seen or what I've seen of it in real life has me anything but disappointed.


    And slow paced? This is Starfox! A franchise that when it was released redefined what a computer game could be and how frantic and action packed it could be! The original has my favourite beginning of any game ever because it nails the atmosphere and you feel like you've genuinely been landed in the shit and have to fight your way out.


    This doesn't look fun to me at all though. If I don't at any point break a bit of a sweat or get my heart beat raised by the tension then this game is going in completely the wrong direction. The visual direction is already in the toilet but if they can't nail the game style itself (which they pretty much well defined) then I don't see why anyone is getting excited.


    Nintendo need to stop doing these half baked reboots of franchises. If they're not interested in pursuing the features that made them great in the first place then license the IP to a studio that wants to.



    ...but it just looks like 64 with HD graphics and more alternate paths/vehicles etc. It looks and seems to play exactly like traditional Starfox.

  8. Here's the trailer for the movie featuring it and the first Sun/Moon Pokémon we know of



    Is Magearna a living mechanical Pokeball created by that "Leonardo Davinci" bloke to capture and use Volcanion's steampunk powers (power source) for the city? That's my "don't know japanese, makes random fan crap up" fan answer.

  9. Predictions?


    The rest of that Triforce Heroes DLC. The paid for part the game mentions, probably a huge set of new worlds.


    More Mario Maker DLC...duh.


    Starfox delay mention.


    SMASH...turns out, ooops we lied...there's one last batch of characters coming. (ie. Nintendo says "we rather like your money, more please").


    A "have you been playing these games?" trailer of 3DS/WII U games released the last several months that haven't had directs.




    Pokemon Sun/Moon stuff.


    Mario Kart 8 new DLC track packs.


    Zelda U trailer.

  10. I'm still stunned about this being Gen 7, there's still a crapload of stuff in Gen 6 to do


    Guess it just means Zygarde may have a role in these games?


    "If" this new region is the nation Kalos warred with, that could mean totally new story PLUS finishing off of loose ends from XY. If this game doesn't visit Kalos during or after the main game I'll eat my hat (after I buy one).


    I like the new leaked list, fake or not. Seems the humming bird does have an evo and it's flying/electric.


    Yukiba/Fukiba the ice wolf clearly Moon exclusive, Nikkoguma/Beasahi the morning sun clearly Sun exclusive, and two sets of three form fighters each likely an exclusive. The dragon/steel type lance/shield sounds like some sort of knight dragon and cool as fuck.


    Oh, and for Glen: Dolphin is on the list, too. I'd be happy if the list was real.


    I'm sure this will be 3DS, the units are already sold and the game's been in the works for a while. I doubt it would skip 3DS.

  11. Regardless of anything else...that was a pretty dreadful reveal.


    Tidbits, though.


    1) Water gym, likely. In a tropical area.


    2) Flying type woodpecker or hummingbird, clearly first form, so has at least two forms.


    3) Game versions likely include exclusive Lunatone/Solrock Megas.


    4) Is that some sort of ratty ghost mansion you can see peeking in one pic?


    5) Transport. Just a more indepth world/details or functional use? One clearly has a Blastoise in it, the truck has a fat man and a girl, what looks like Machamp but...looks odd, what is Furfrou or Froslass, I think, one in the background god only knows (Blissey?)


    6) Single floor Pokecentres.


    It's not much, is it?

  12. No problem :)




    I think he has every right to be; http://www.pokemon.com/us/pokemon-video-games/pokemon-sun-and-pokemon-moon/


    "New world, new Pokémon and new adventures". From the art it even feels like a different gen (especially with the introduction of emergency services, what look like motels/resorts and Pokémon centre redesigns)


    "New world, new Pokemon and new adventures" does that mean new gen? I'm not even sure what counts as new gen in Pokemon (I'm sure Serebii knows). If it continues XY background story...but features new region/new Pokemon (region next to Kalos...and maybe even features Kalos) and reuses XY/ORAS engine...what DOES it count as? I guess you could see it like the Gold/Silver situation (since that reuses engine, new region, new mon, continues background story and has region before) so I guess if we consider THAT a totally new gen to the gen before, we'd have to consider this one, too. It doesn't neccessarily have to be 100% new story and completely new engine to count as a new gen. Right, Serebii...?


    If it does by some chance completely ditch XY and unresolved story/uncatched Mon and isn't the third set of gen 6, I'll be honest...I'll feel short-changed here. I know some people dislike the third set concept, but it was a chance to refine things and get loads of extra content and finish story straggles off, and each gen they were continualy getting more and more new extra stuff (to the point new Mon/region were next on the list). Part of me still hopes this is set 3 that got so expansive it fell off the deep end.


    I think the engine will be improved for NEW 3DS, though. Lunatone/Solrock Megas are inevitable and version exclusive. I guess that gets people deciding on THEIR version already... Maybe Mega Sunflora and Mega Clefable, too?

  13. Remember this line from a NPC infront of the Sundial in Anistar city?


    "Did you know that there are Moondial too?"


    Yes, I remember. Posted about it here, there and everywhere years ago. Been waiting to be revealed true (hopefully) that it would be in sequel to XY with the same role as Sundial from XY, since everyone (including Serebii) laughed me off. Hopefully something to do with those new Mon statues at E4, too.

  14. Well all righty then. Buckle down, Serebii...this is the big one.


    I'm still behind the gen 6.5 theory. 3rd editions have been building what they allow every gen and the next logical step is new Mon/new area for a third edition. Already got new Mon announced. Though, they could just decide "let's just skip to next gen" but I hope not, because we'd be forever without a refined/expanded version of gen 6 (until remakes many years from now). I feel like the story for gen 6 is unfinished, though. A Z DLC expansion AND gen 7 announcement would be a shocker, though. Finish gen 6 story off and save new mon/new area for gen 7, it would be in that case.


    With the VC games now, I could see them release a universal trainer ID app for 3DS to keep track of badges/caught Mon and other stats, as more and more Pokemon VC games become available. It's a simple enough idea and would be hugely popular.


    Predictions; new 3DS main entry, then a trailer wheel of upcoming games.

  15. But I was talking specifically, as I did state, about their home consoles.



    In an ideal world, Nintendo would make a console that does what the 3rd Parties want as well as give us the features that we want (that have been industry standard since 2005)! I would love this!!!


    I just don't have faith that they will anymore and so I want them to go 3rd Party in the home console space. This is all I'm saying. I'm not saying I think they will.



    You guys see "Nintendo" and "3rd Party" in the same sentence and just automatically think we're saying that's what will happen..?!


    I was speaking in general, not specifically at you. You'd be surprised at how many Nintendoomers think the super successful and profitable handhelds for some reason "don't count." It's hilariously absurd.


    He didn't say every Nintendo game has done well because of it. Audience desires obviously still play a part, which would explain the games you mentioned.


    Essentially what I think Paul was trying to get at is owners of only Nintendo consoles are more likely to say "hmm it's been a while since I got a game [due to only having access to a 1/3* of games available], this has just come out, let's give it a go" rather than "it's a new game! Must get it because I don't have another console!"



    *obviously not literally a third of games available, but rather owning a third of consoles.


    I think in this day and age though most own at least two consoles. Pretty much this gen and the last two before our house has everything except Vita/PSP/XONE. We're not exactly rich, either. Of course this current gen...I barely play anything but 3DS. But that's becase I'm dead and energyless inside.


    I'll only get excited by launch games if I know what they are. With the Wii I was so uninterested I didn't even know what the successor was called. But true... the Wii U has done much better than the Wii so.. I'll probably have an idea. But screw those two games up and the job of selling the NX becomes much harder.




    Yeah...so if you were a typical gamer Nintendo would be laughing.. although I suspect they would be more so even with the Wii U so.. :D


    Pretty big collection of games, and I don't know how you do it! A lot of those games I want but I just know they wouldn't really get played enough to justify the cost!




    That actually sounds like a fun game...


    As for launch, they need to go traditional (not ALL Nintendo, don't limp it, and for God's sake don't do the "let's not release any AAA 1st party games, so 3rd parties have a chance to sell launch games" garbage crapfestio. We've proved that last one does not work. Why? You offer no big budget 1st party games and less Nintendo fans buy it so they don't buy extra game such as 3rd party ones.


    It needs several big budget Nintendo games (next true Mario), some big budget action game for the "wow, pretty explosions, me buy" and a load of 3rd party stuff sports/shooters.

  16. You mean their last two consoles are outdated tech. The first of which sold 100+ million units. Who's to say what NX is going to be.


    3DS is outdated tech compared to the Vita, but the 3DS has sold nearly 60 million and the Vita is a laughing stock.


    I know it's customary to bash Nintendo for pretty much everything on here, but how about we wait and see what NX is before we suggest that Nintendo are "killing themselves", when they just won the previous gen.


    I think we can all agree it would be dumb for Nintendo to go third party considering its consoles are some of the best selling EVERY gen. Yes, I'm talking about their handhelds, something most "go third party doomsayers" ALWAYS leave out of their Nintendo sales equasions. Thankfully Nintendo doesn't.

  17. Mario Tennis, in particular, has been on a downward spiral ever since the exemplary N64 title and I would argue that the gameplay of the latest iteration is AWFUL :shakehead


    Personally, I probably would like to see a 'Nintendo Sports' label that ignores the Mushroom Kingdom!


    I'm a huge fan of games like 1080 Snowboarding, Wave Race, Excitebike 64 and even Pilotwings, if you wish to include this under the sports banner. I'd love to see new iterations in all of these franchises but also see the return of games like Super Tennis and a vastly improved Virtua Striker, with the help of SEGA, a company who has a history of developing arcade sports titles.


    There's no reason why characters like Ricky Winterborn and Akari Hayami, amongst a larger roster, couldn't appear across all, or at least some, of the sports range. Unfortunately, it probably won't happen :heh:




    This post partially touches on an idea I had ages ago about the interface for Nintendo's next home console where the main hub would in fact be Wuhu Island.


    I've mentioned this all before but to have this as a place where you can meet up with friends and freely chat while you explore the island together would be amazing! There'd be sections like the tennis courts where you could go play tennis together, either for a 'rental' fee for an hour or you could purchase the game outright, or a baseball park, jet ski areas and loads of other activities :smile:


    I can't be bothered going into detail again about how you'd purchase and unlock areas and how the games would load seemlessly from the hub area without ever needing to change games..


    It would be awesome :love:


    EDIT In fact, here is my original post for perhaps the 3rd time in this thread :red:


    Yes, been making posts about this here, there and everywhere for years, too (and seen others mention it, too). I think the reason it's so popular is it's such a "Nintendo Magic" idea, and you just know Miyamoto etc. have ALREADY fiddled around with the idea behind the scenes. I think with all the integrated online stuff Nintendo is now pushing, there's a good chance of something like this appearing. I doubt it would ever be as indepth as we'd like it (it'd end up being "the basics/lite" version) but the core concept is sound.


    People sometimes trash the idea saying that it would be a hassle interacting with others/going to games/attractions/hobbies/quests etc. BUT there'd be quick teleport feature to online players/main games etc. I imagine a quick select on touchscreen with a little warp pipe appearing under you, then again at your destination to pop you out. Maybe even a quick mode that's just options for those just looking to play games, and chat rooms/mansions for nattering, and house mode for just sorting out your house/clothes/pets etc.. Obviously stuff like exploration, Wuhu celebrations/weather/seasons, and certain island activities such as treasure hunts and that would require going full mode on the island. You have to remember; this is Nintendo so they'll make it accessible to all.


    Servers might be a problem considering how indepth it'd be and the fact Nintendo would want it to be free, but I could see micro-transactions coming into play. While there'd be an actual ingame island currency, I could see certain things requiring "real money," like say Nintendo having the island celebrate "Mario Day" where there's huge parades, games and celebrations Mario based and you get a chance to buy unique items for a limited time. Look at Badge Arcade, when people see the chance they may miss a badge...money! Imagine entire themed sets (clothes, beds, curtains, pet goomba etc.). Not just Mario, but Zelda, Metroid, F-Zero etc. Just chuck some limited chance special versions of them in and watch people buy the shit out of them!


    This is the sort of idea that just wouldn't work for Sony or Microsoft, but would be magic for Nintendo.

  18. Third parties were fine with putting their games on DS cartridges. If they're readily available then why not. Cutting out loading times would be a huge benefit. It would also fit in with the whole 'play the same game at home or on the go' gimmick that's been rumoured.


    It also reduces the price of the console (no expensive fan, fan parts, licening etc. and being it's usually gradual heat damage that damages a console that equals less future replacement consoles) either for the consumer or N's profit margin, or to boost the console's spec with the price dif. Given proper compression techniques (which I've heard many of those huuuuuuuge modern games no longer use anymore because they don't need to) most games could fit high capacity cards. People say MORE EXPENSIVE, but with obvious benefits does anyone really give a shit about costing a few pounds more? Assuming they even would cost more due to Nintendo getting them at bulk cost, with no doubt some sort of deal, or even fronting production themselves. You'd think Nintendo would have at least thought about this and can't use the "ignorant fans think cards are backwards tech and kiddy compared to discs so we better not use them or they'll think it's an N64 repeat" laugh like you get on most topics that mention this.


    Edit: heck can't they even use tech boosting chips added to them like back in the day?

  19. Wow. Mind totally blank. I can't remember a lot about that game though.


    Same for me too. Apart from the first few dungeons that I had to repeat (reasons) most of the game is a played through once situation that I don't remember much of. Couple that with the utterly deadful picture quality on the LCD HDTV at the time, I'm looking forward to playing through again. Might get WWHD and play through WW again. Or start and finish SS for the first time...though part of me hopes for a HD remake. A trilogy of Zelda HD remakes for Wii U would be excellent and to be honest...has a good chance of happening. I really want to see a third title to OOT/MM using the same engine, too.

  20. Completely agree. There is nothing inherently wrong with the Wii U pad other than the lack of analogue triggers.




    This would make the perfect non-screen controller. That's assuming it would have analogue triggers too. I'd want the colours back on the face buttons though.


    I don't like how many pictures in here show a controller with slide pads. They're just about acceptable for the 3DS but they'd be horrible on a home console.


    Edit: One thing I've just remembered. I don't even think the NX will be a Wii U replacement. I think it's the next handheld so... I don't think it'll look anything like this.


    Except for any games that require the d-pad as it's too far out of the way. I assume it's atleast a proper Wii U level d-pad and not the horrifyingly useless Cube version, though? I always loved the Cube joypad except for that d-pad. It's like they deliberately made that part to never be used.

  21. Just finished the game. Great fun :)


    Any post-game or is that it? I can't see any at quick glance.


    As far as aware...


    Collector's page beans/blocks/?-patches/toads 100%


    Complete card collection.


    Challenge list


    Extra Toad quests


    Arcade super bosses/attack rallies


    They're all available before the end of the game though, other than the boss melee that has a unique boss at the end of it. Don't think there's any TRUE post game stuff just extras that range from easy to irritatating to fully finish.


    Also...did you notice Luigi yet?

  22. As well as level 2 amiibo cards. I think they sell for 800 coins. Not that money was really an issue in the game but they can be a good source of cash if you aren't using amiibo.


    Those final items are utter bastards to buy, though. Not that you even need them at that point. LOL I guess maybe for the super bosses in the arcade?


    I just continue to play every few days to get the remaining extras. Got to final rank yesterday.

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