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Posts posted by Mr_Master_X2

  1. Okay, I know some of you guys got some of these, but I heard something about them sending a different signal through the component instead of the proper ones for PAL TVs. (I have no idea what it was about, and it was probably just heresay people spouting nonsense but...) I know they work and all, but there's no quality difference, right? I just need to ask before ordering. Note: don't recommend third party. I don't trust anything but official products (really bad luck with third party stuff just breaking down on practically every console I've ever owned...) Anyone an help...?

  2. The problem is, yes HD is a massive improvement over standard,but quite a bit of that is going by if you've got your stuff hooked up by standard compsite. And seriously, is there anyone who sill bothers...? My family is behind the times, yet we've had everything hooked up by RGB scart for a few years, and it makes things look frigging awesome. Consoles, Sky...they look bloody fantastic. If You don't want HD, then atleast make sure you've got RGB enabled TV ith RGB scart, that itself makes a huge difference, believe me. Currently got a HDTV coming on Monday, though. So we'll see.

  3. I can't believe people are having trouble getting a Wii. I ordered one from Argos about a monthe before release, and it was sent and arrived day of release. The thing is though the extra joypad with WiiPlay wasn't (joypad for bro), so we phoned up to ask what was happening with it. Guess what? They got the wrong end of the stick and...SENT A SECOND WII CONSOLE!! Some poor person out there isn't getting their Wii this Xmas because of this. I feel awfull about it. Of course we're sending it back (instead of buying it for £179, then flogging it on Ebay for a helluva lot more) because this is someone's Xmast present, and I'd know how I'd feel if it was mine that didn't come.

  4. Okay, that clears alot of answers up. But I have another question...


    The system I want is a Phillips 32ins HDTV Wide LCD(got good reviews, it's Argo current special offer) has 2 hdmi ports, component connector, 2 scart connectors(only 1 RGB, will need to get rgb scart hub), s-video connector and composite. HOWEVER, it dosn't have a DVI, I have no idea what it is, but I heard somehwhere it was important, so...


    What is DVI...?

  5. Long story short; something wrong with current TV, is being sent back, exchanging it (ill be using more money to get more expensive TV, also TV can only be from Argos) and needed questions answering.


    1) RGB scart on HDTV. How does this look compared to regular TVs? Better, same or worse? I ask because that's the connection I'll be using most.


    2) Component conectors. This is only available on HDTVs, right? As I can only see myself with Wii component cables for the foreseable future.


    3) Does anyone have experience with TVs from Argos? Basically I need: Flatscreen widescreen, 28-32ins size, component connector for progressive scan (is that poss> Or HD only...?), multiple RGB scart sockets, headphone sockets, decent NICAM sound. I can't see my family spending more than £699.99.


    Any help you guys give would be great! Thank you.

  6. I while ago I was searching for audio devices and came across ones that plug directly into the USB port, then you plug your audio headphones/speakers into them, and the sound comes straight from that, giving better sound and eliminating all the computer interferance noises. The problem...I can't find them, ANYWHERE, anymore. Can anyone help...?

  7. Are we just to assume that as well as new ones all the old ones will be making a return...? As to new ones I'd like to see...





    1) Wart (From Super Mario Bros. 2. Would be a big slow one like Bowser/Donkey.)


    2) Kamek Wizard (From the Mario games. A floaty type character like Peach and such, but with more projectile like magic.)


    3) Paper Mario (From the Paper Mario games. Uses paper abilities as specials.)


    4) Olimar (From Pikmin. Summons Pikmins with different abilities for his attacks.)


    5) Someone from Super Punch Out (A guy with pure physical supers, but brutish and powerful!)





    1) Slime (From the Dragon Quest games. Maybe not a normal slime, could be a knight, king, emeperor etc. If a normal slime it would slowly change colour through the fight, changing the elementals of its attacks. Like its projectile would change from ice to fire etc.)


    2) Megaman (The original one. Guess there's 2 options here. Have him with his buster, slide, Rush attacks or have him a Kirby type. He does absorb enemy abilities, remember...)


    3) Cloud (If you're going to have a Final Fantasy character it better be Cloud damn it! Just have him with the moves from his game. Link type, and his limit breaks easily fit the super moves.)


    4) Yuna (Probably the second most widely known Final Fantasy charcter. Imagine each of her super moves unleashes some mini little chibi summon monster. It'd just be so cool!)


    5) Goemon (From the Ganbare Goemon games. Coin throw, pipe smash etc. I love Goemon!)

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