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Everything posted by Nick

  1. Nick

    I'm Back

    Very, VERY scarey. BigTac, were rumours accurate when stating that indeed the Revolution hardware had gone gold? Nintendo never denied it, not even addressed it. But they did the Twilight Princess piece, although didn't deny it, and recently denied the DS redesign rumour. Me thinks the Revolution is in pre production stages. At this time of the year, that means a release is five to seven months down the track... In one territory or another... Or, with a world wide release... Around October/November.
  2. Yeah, but how much of a pain in the arse is it going to be if you have been playing Prince of Persia or The Legend of Zelda without remembering to save for hours, then all of a sudden, a system message comes up saying that the console will shut down? I don't think a system shut down is a way to dodge heat issues, more of a safety system, if anything.
  3. Nick

    I'm Back

    Did I miss something? Who said they were American?
  4. Nick

    I'm Back

    Hmmm, should have seen that in the first place... I still agree with what you said though. Hopefully, the Revolution can follow the same path as the DS.
  5. Nick

    I'm Back

    Ahem, no, you didn't see the posts he first made, those were on Cube-Europe forums. Unfortunately, the forums there had a somewhat major crash, and many posts have been lost. You can still go and look however, go to the bottom of these forums on the main forum page and click the link where the discripto says something like 'visit the old forums'.
  6. Nick

    I'm Back

    Pure gaming machine?... I agree with everything you said, and I know what you're trying to say, but a PlayStation or an Xbox are not pure gaming consoles, they are entertainment hubs. A pure gaming console doesn't play DVDs out of the box, play music CDs out of the box, allow you to rip music to its harddrive, play that music over a title's soundtrack, browse the internet... That's more like a PC to me. A pure gaming machine plays games. A Nintendo console is pure gaming machine.
  7. Interesting. So how is Nintendo to keep it's little Hollywood card cool? Nevertheless, it's nice to see Nintendo continues to cut costs. I wonder if the actual machine will have a fan of it's own.
  8. Nick

    I'm Back

    The DICE summit occurs in the second week of February. Good to see Ubisoft supporting the Revolution. I mean, they didn't really neglect the GCN, but it's reassuring to see that they will continue to support Nintendo.
  9. Oh yes they do. They break the law. Furthermore, it's not on orginal hardware, so it's cheating.
  10. Interesting Pestneb, could very well be. Be funny if he was plucked by Sony or Microsoft though...
  11. That is 100% true. The Revolution is backwards compatible with GCN games. The GCN game discs are a proprietary format, owned by Panasonic and lisenced to Nintendo. Therefore the disc drives in the Revolution must be made by Panasonic. If anything, and this is outlandish, because it is highly unlikely, the Revolution will use a Blu Ray Disc drive.
  12. But then they would no longer be PAL games, and would only be compatible on NTSC compatible TVs. But then, they omitted complete PAL conversion of Metroid Prime 2 and Geist. Maybe Nintendo would leave our superior resolution for a few more flicks a second? I hope not.
  13. Well, we had the abbreviations SNES and NES, for 'Nintendo Entertainment System'. Why not just have the name as the 'Nintendo Revolutionary System' and abbreviate it as the Nintendo RS? Seems like a logical step, keeps the "Revolution" element, without claiming absolute revolution of the industry. Plus the abbreviation is apart of the 'Nintendo family', the Nintendo DS, which is an abbreviation for Dual Screen or "Developer's System"
  14. Perhaps GameCube games can't be forwards compatible. In fact, I'd assume that that is the precise reason for it. But then, Nintendo wants to make it the best GCN game it can be. Now that's not possible if some of the focus is shifted to Revolution support. I think I prefer it this way, and wait for a proper Revolutionary Zelda. Because that way, it will have been designed for the Revolution from the ground up, and therefore will be less flawed.
  15. Meh, newspapers do that here too. Screw them, the Revolution will be the number one second choice, because the PS3/360 will be two expensive for an existing "mainstream" PS3/Xbox owner to own. And then there are the loyal fanbase. Which is decreasing, but will almost certainly pick up after the impact of the DS.
  16. I don't see any reason why Nintendo can't support 525p. But then, they omitted HD, so perhaps progressive scan will once again be dropped from PAL version games. *sigh*
  17. Nick


    2007 seems the most likely time, that's why. It's just that Nintendo have never acheived same year release in the US, Japan and Europe before for a home console. Of course, this is not to say it won't happen. It would be a nice surprise. In fact, this could very well be the reason no new info has surfaced on games (videos, images etc) because Nintendo may have asked developers to keep tight lipped on any info related to the Revolution. In fact, Nintendo may even gone so far as to ask them to appear uninformed and "out of the loop" in regards to hardware, to make it look as if a release is very far off, then come out at E3 and surprise us all. Would certainly explain why Nintendo promised it would release before the PS3, then all of a sudden went about face and has said nothing.
  18. I don't think PAL GCN games do play in 525p either. What the component cables do is send one colour per cable (Red, Blue, Green) rather than mix the colour channels like RCA cables. This way, the TV doesn't have to unscrmable the colour channels, and the picture *should*look less 'bled', that is, when colours aren't where they are suppoesed to be. I thought component cables were RGB cables . Sometimes with a CRT, you will see that red often has an 'aura' and takes up more space than it should.
  19. Just there, that's where you said light was not an electromagnetic wave. By saying it is a diagram of an electromagnetic spectrum (which it is), and not a visible/invisible light spectrum (which it also is), suggests to me you assume light is not an electromagnetic wave. I'm sorry if I missunderstood you, but that's how I read it. And actually, I have just realised that you're correct and my physics teacher is incorrect, as Bluetooth is not ultraviolet light , velocity = frequency x wavelength therefore wavelength = vel./frequency velocity = 3x10^8 m/s Frequency = 2.45 GHz (= 2,450,000,000 Hz) therefore wavelength = (3x10^8)/(2.45x10^9) = .122m = 12.2cm That puts it in the radio part of the spectrum. I apologise, but I was always told Bluetooth was ultra violet light with a higher energy. It isn't, it has a far crappier energy.
  20. Ohh yeah, I was going to do that... http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_zd1up/is_200402/ai_ziff119142 By the way Diemetrix, that addition to your Xbox Live gamer tag looks pretty cool.
  21. Most likely games made by Sega. Although there are publishing discrepincies. Theoretically, as Nintendo and Rare shared the rights to the orginal Perfect Dark (Copyright 2000 Nintendo/Rare), then Nintendo can make available for download Perfect Dark.
  22. Guys, I'm looking for a news item that I think took place around the announcing of the Nintendo DS (Feb, 2004), where a Nintendo head figure (not sure who) states that the success of Nintendo's next gen console (now know as Revolution), will be dependant on the success of the Nintendo DS. Anyone able to provide a link? I'd greatly appreciate it. EDIT: It's all good, I found what I wanted. This thread is officially superfluous.
  23. I never said it needed to be pointed at anything, I said it needed to be in the same room. Point a remote with fresh batteries away from a televsion. Press a button. In many cases, the device will work, because a flash of infra red light lights up the entire room. Second, I KNOW that the sensors are there to detect the position of the controller, I SAID that. In terms of different television sizes, it will all be determined by trigonomotry. Why? because there are two sensors and a controller. You only need three points to detect depth and position. So it doesn't matter how far apart the sensors are placed, so long as they are in the same room. Which validates my second point. Controllers will not be able to interact directly with each other, because they do not have the motion sensors of the Revolution, in order to detect depth and position. You need at least two. Each controller only has one. The best that can be done is sending information to and from the Revolution itself in orderr to detect the position of other controllers, which is possible. Finally, I never said that IR WOULD be used as the transmission medium, I just said that that is what I most likely think it will be. And I still feel that way. You don't whack a light detector strip on a controller for looks, it has a purpose. In answer to Pestneb. I don't know the official definition of light. I don't think there is a single wavelength value at which it is determined, but according to my physics teacher, physicists have the general perception that electromagnetic waves between and including Infra Red and Ultra Violet are classified as the light spectrum.
  24. I'd like to revisit a lot of NES and SNES games. This is exciting, especially if Sega jumps on board, maybe Atari and Activision will also jump on board.
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