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Status Updates posted by Ashley

  1. It was kind of meant stylistically. The song kinda breaths it out in a sigh-like manner. And the underline is the result of it being a link unfortunately :heh:


    But cheers :)

  2. Caprica. Sky One. 2nd February. 9pm.

  3. Me and my cousins and you and your cousins.

  4. NOOOOO!


    Yeah sure :p

  5. Sorry its late in the day but happy birthday :)

  6. Lets say I was!


    Unless it was a dream I wouldn't like to be in :p

  7. You were in my dream last night!


    Well, it kinda looked like you and in my mind it was you. But I was at some giant shopping centre/school combined thing (which im guessing was local hence why you appeared) which had a swimming pool and you were just around. Don't think we spoke or anything.


    Thought I'd share. I'll try and stop being weird now :p

  8. I will always be there for you to blow alternating hot and cool.

  9. You'll have to make do as I'm going. Toodaloo!

  10. I pay to look at those XXX pictures of you. Does that count?

  11. Friends and family discount!

  12. Ooh baby you want me?

    You can get this lapdance here for free.

  13. Its...okay. Not great but as long as you don't have high expectations you can't be that disappointed. JD acts like a child again, which is a bit annoying, and Cox is once again a psycho. The newbies are kinda meh.

  14. Just noticed DVD quality versions of An Education have cropped up, I saw you said the other day you were interested. Plan to watch it when I get the time. Thought I'd give you a shout so consider this me saying it loud here by your grave.

  15. Its the short(y)iest day :o!

  16. Great clip :D


    I love your new Sig and Avatar. So awesome :D

  17. Just noticed that it is MSN thats causing crashing problems, even on Adium. I have someone on AIM too and I disconnected, but it remained connected to AIM throughout but not MSN. Hmm.

  18. Bwaha I win this round!

  19. Voting is meant to be secret :p


    (although yes you can see poll results but the majority of people can't)


  21. Ashley

    Seriously, sort out your twitter. It keeps DMing me crap :p

  22. Its early and for a second I thought you said picture of me in a shower, confused! But thanks :D


    And because of you I have Jungle Book songs in my head :P

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