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Status Updates posted by Ashley

  1. Hey hey.


    How goes everything? How was...that European country you visited that I've forgotten? Denmark?


    Seems I didn't get that job at the phone shop thing :( Although truthfully this late in the game I'd probably refuse it anyway as I'd be leaving in 10 weeks and feel bad. I won't feel the same about McDonalds. I megaloathe it. *sigh* Being young is fun eh?

  2. OMG ITS YOU :o!


    Welcome back :)

  3. Nah I've not read it, but just had a quick flick. Keep your chin up :) Just try and look at any criticism and use it as a springboard to improve and as much as I make comments I do admire your effort and your dedication to your stuff.

  4. Start anew. If its like a page or two back then use that one but if its been ages start again. General rule of thumb.

  5. Technically at Game you're always learning with ongoing shitty training :p

  6. What do you wish to know (says a graduate working at Maccies! :p)


    Feel free to make a new thread.

  7. Screw 'em, you'll move onto bigger and better things anyway. And make new Canadian friends eh?

  8. I support your move to Canada (I just don't support Canada :heh:)


    Tell me more, tell me more, like...what its all about, Alfie.

  9. Woop indeed. Only 100 days :)


    That would be awkward. And you know when you leave a job you're supposed to actually leave, not just go upstairs :heh:

  10. I want your autograph.

  11. Hey hey. How did your last week at work go? I hope it was full of karate chops and truth bombs.


    I didn't get the job at Next. They sent me a rejection letter THE VERY NEXT DAY. Shockingly efficient, of both them and the postal service. Oh well, stuck in Maccies all summer it seems. Bring on late September.

  12. Wincest is the term for Sam/Dean Winchester fanfiction/art. True story.

  13. Lol Jamincest.

  14. I dislike any affectionate names. If I was in a relationship I'd prefer to be called cunt than hun.


    I once told a girl at work "if we dated your pet name would be whore."

  15. Check the question thread and respond to my question.


    And NEVER call me hun :p

  16. Hey.


    Figured out how you're learning French yet (you know what I mean :p) Just speaking to my friend who wants to learn and I wouldn't mind learning alongside and just wondering if you had stumbled upon anything of note. Also, do you know any particularly good books? Its her birthday next month and I may get her a learn french book alongside the other things I'm getting.




  18. What makes you "Fierce"? Its not your penis, I verified that with Ine. So...what is it?

  19. If I'd known how my so-called career would pan out I probably wouldn't have left that place...


    Umm...do steal, do dodgy deals and don't get caught?




    Nah if I think of something I'll let you know but right now my mind is E3E3E3SOMEONEDOTHENEWS!

  20. Hey,


    Yeah you need 100 posts to post thanks. Its a preventative measure to ensure it doesn't get abused.


    And welcome btw.

  21. You're back?

  22. Oh. Well come back and chat. I'm scared, its full of geeks! :p

  23. 'cause you're not on chat? Unless, are you sexy_ (well obviously you are but you know what I mean :p)


    Trying querying me.

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