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Posts posted by Lammie

  1. Check out EyeTV.




    I have an EyeTV Hybrid, which is fine for HDTV, but not so good for playing video games as it suffers from latency issues. Because of its compact size it has a slight lag which you don't notice when watching TV but is quite a pain when playing a game that requires split second response times.


    Have a look at the EyeTV 250. From what I've heard it doesn't suffer from the lag that the Hybrid does. I'm not 100%, but check around and read some reviews and comments on the product and you should get some good info.

  2. I've never been able to get used to in-ear headphones. Have you considered compact regular headphones? I find most types have better sound quality at lower prices than the higher quality in-ear headphones.


    I use foldable Sony Street Style MDRG74SL headphones (http://www.sony.com.au/pe/catalog/product.jsp?categoryId=22381).


    Good bass, and overall really nice sound. Sturdy, and they fold up for easy transport. Plus they don't hurt my ears like in-ear types tend to do after about half an hour or so.

  3. Main thing is that Alonso is further from winning another championship, the slimy spanish ass-wad. Can't stand him, especially after all the dodgy dealings with the Spygate scandal.


    Hamilton FTW.


    Although I personally prefer Massa. Top bloke.

  4. Wikipedia says:


    "In computing, firmware is a computer program that is embedded in a hardware device, for example a microcontroller. It can also be provided on flash ROMs or as a binary image file that can be uploaded onto existing hardware by a user.


    As its name suggests, firmware is somewhere between hardware and software. Like software, it is a computer program which is executed by a computer. But it is also an intimate and vital part of a piece of hardware, and has little meaning outside of that particular hardware."



  5. i disagree. (maybe this is because i'm a converse kind of girl though?) tbh after a while all that pleasure just gets boring* ~ i enjoy give as much if not more than take.


    *sounds sarcastic, but is not.



    Maybe you haven't had a proper full on orgasm yet?


    Fuck, I know a few girls who thought they'd been having them for years until it actually fully happened and then they couldn't get enough.

  6. Heh, graphics designers lust for HUGE images. And really, I kind of have to have the biggest image. :yay:


    Not sure about that!


    We like high res images, but not if we have to scroll for seven minutes to get to the other side of the screen.


    Anyways, here's my set up. Nothing major but it's got what I need. Had a more spacious set up before I moved out of home but where I am now doesn't accomodate a shelf full of spray cans and scrap paper (situated in the living room).


    Sorry about the crappy pic (camera phone).



  7. I was looking at the Harmon Kardon set up until I came across this...




    I've had these hooked up to my iMac for about a year. Absolutely beautiful. They can pack a punch (although thanks to moving into a puny apartment I can't crank them up like I used to) and are THX certified. There's alot of reviews out there that really praise them - there's something to do with the speaker shape gives them really good clarity, plus the sub provides ample floor shaking bass.


    Having heard the Harman Kardon ones, I can say that the Logitech 2300's are far better (performance and price).

  8. With SD the problem is you can buy new sizes instead of upgrading every 6 months. They already have 16GB SD cards and 8GB MicroSD. The other thing is companies rarely to tend add it as well as have built in storage. Its ussually one or the other.


    Yeah, true.


    You'll find that most MP3 manufacturers tend to avoid the ability to expand the memory yourself. It's not a good business decision. It takes the ability to improve the line of their products out of their own hands somewhat, as they can't control the release of bigger capacity cards which might make newer releases of thier players slightly less important (and would effect the value of thier product line too). So it might seem like a gip, but it's about business I guess.


    Plus having a SD card slot would go against the design of the iPod, where everything it kept as simple and enclosed as possible.

  9. I'm surprised no-one has even mentioned the Optimus Keyboard. It's a little pricey at £800.00 but it does everything you want except the backlighting, along with he added bonus of each key having a 48*48 colour LED screen on it. Imagine the possibilities.


    Most people don't spend the whole time staring at the keyboard. Hundreds of thousands of people have learnt keyboard shortcuts without shelling out 800 quid for what is a essentially a very nice bit of kit to show off, but pretty rubbish when it comes to usefulness.

  10. Caris, a quick note....


    Quark Xpress isn't the industry standard anymore. It's been slowly dying the past 5 years, and working in the design industry I can safely assure you its on its way out. After totally shafting OSX users early on and failing to keep up with InDesign's innovations most studios have made the switch to InDesign.

  11. i just ment they couldnt bomb any where if they wanted it was just the first place to pop into my head.


    like i said before korea china iran. that could be a formidable force. america has played this game before with the same results china taking controll as america are deep within chinas pockets. iran does what it wants as long as they play the americans at their own game and china would kick ass if anything is launched at their general direction witch would be korea. japans scared of china and even with america protecting them they wouldnt be so silly to attack korea. nor can america embark on another war.


    check out sun zue art of war the basics are in thier. plus they would have to go to china for yet more money see where this is going


    plus today china said their would be no millatery action................america must obay again becuse of the money:bowdown:


    china is on the side of korea and iran they just get pissed off with them when they dont talk befor they act but it dosent mean china will abandon the two.


    For starters its 'Sun Tzu' and what 'basics' are you referring to? I don't think Tzu covered the economic dynamics of China and the US and it's relation with the Democratic People's Repubic of Korea. For someone to be literate enough to read 'The Art of War', you sure have poor spelling and grammar.


    China has good political relations with the DPRK (has to do with both being communist states more than anything else) but then so does Indonesia, and that doesn't mean either state will go into bat for the DPRK if Kim Jong starts pushing 'fire' buttons. China has absolutely nothing to gain from siding with the DPRK in a war. If anything China are in the pockets of western developed nations and not vice versa. We use thier conveniently labour and industry to help the bottom line of our corporations. China is only growing because we've sent most of our manufacturing business over there.


    Japan isn't fearful of China. Japan is a small, heavily overpopulated island with little primary resources in comparison to China. Japan is fearful of the DPRK because it's well within firing range of North Korean missiles. The DPRK can use this to their advantage as Japan is a major global economic hub. Threatening to blow the shit out of Japan is a good way to get what they want from the UN (ie: lots of food and financial aid, and to basically be promised to be left the hell alone).


    Iran is a different case altogether. The Middle East alot more volatile. It's already in a pretty hectic state and having a fundamentalist Islamic state with nuclear capabilities is a very worrying thing. I'm sure the US is much more worried about Iran than the DPRK. If the US come to the point where they have to go in and secure oil and 'change' the Iranian 'regime' they would want to do it without having nukes dropped on them.


    The DPRK is only a worry if we put them in such a dire situation that they feel there's only gains to be had by firing off nukes (probably at Japan).

  12. I fookin' hate pikeys!


    Seriously, I feel your pain. I backed into my sisters boyfriends' car a few months back while I was busy fiddling with my car stereo. It proves that these things happen to even the best drivers.

  13. I'd be more worried about the shelf than electromagnetic radiation.


    The shelf looks a bit precarious, but believe me, the wall will sooner collapse on me than the shelf. There's a total of eight brackets with heavy duty wall anchors plus a screw in each being directly fastened to the steel studs in the wall.


    Although the wood could snap, thus dumping several tonnes of books onto my face.


    Also, I've noticed that most of you people seem to be happy living in your own filth and in a tangle of electrical cords...tsk! What do your mothers say!


    And one last thing, weeyellowbloke I see you have a bunk bed...hmm? 20 years old! Get some real bedding man!

  14. Sorry about the shoddy clarity. Shit lighting, might re-take the pic when there's more natural light.


    I took out all my consoles and TV because I needed more room and was worried about geeting tumors from all the electromagnetic radiation (seeing my TV was positioned near my head when I slept!).


    Diemetrix, did you buy those mirrors from Ikea?

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